AnnouncementsSee More

Sign Up Now to Represent Your Country!

   Campus Announcements | Posted on September 22, 2022
Members of the Andrews University community are invited to take part in two Andrews traditions—the Alumni Homecoming Parade and International Flag Raising Ceremony, which take place every year during Alumni Homecoming Weekend. Whether you are simply proud of your international roots,... read more

AA: Tuition #2 Due

   Andrews Academy | Posted on September 22, 2022
   Event Date: September 25, 2022 10:30 am

Tuition payment 2 is due on or before Sept. 25.

SAID Ribbon Cutting

   Campus Announcements | Posted on September 22, 2022
   Event Date: September 28, 2022 04:00 pm
The School of Architecture & Interior Design is delighted to invite you to be part of the Ribbon Cutting of the newly renovated building. The spaces include: ... read more

Kevin Wilson, of TikTok Fame, Joins Andrews

   Andrews in the News | Posted on September 22, 2022

To more than 360,000 people, Kevin Wilson is known as the chai guy.

<<< Read the full story at The Herald-Palladium site >>>

Michiana Adventist Forum, Sept. 24

   Community Announcements | Posted on September 22, 2022
Michiana Adventist Forum will feature a presentation by Niels-Erik Andreasen, former president of Andrews University, during Alumni Weekend. The talk is titled "University — Church — Beliefs: Some Thoughts on a Lifelong Engagement with Adventist Education." ... read more

Environmental Fridays Season III

   Campus Announcements | Posted on September 22, 2022
Join us for Environmental Fridays Season III, fall semester 2022! The season features lectures by 12 different individuals on a variety of topics, with the presentations taking place on Fridays at 9:30 a.m. via Zoom. ... read more

CHEMSEM 2: Sept. 22

   Campus Announcements | Posted on September 22, 2022
The faculty, students and staff of the Andrews University Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry are pleased to invite all to view Professor Emeritus Nobel Laureate Roald Hoffmann's Zoom lecture on Thursday, Sept. 22, 2022, at 4:30 p.m. EST... read more

Dowagiac SDA Church Service, Sept. 24

   Local Churches | Posted on September 22, 2022
Tom Shepherd, DrPH, PhD, is the speaker at the Dowagiac SDA Church on Sabbath, Sept. 24. Pastor Shepherd continues his series on the Gospel of Mark. The message, titled "The Whole Nine Yards," comes... read more