SSBS Course Scheduling Cycle

Most courses in the School of Social & Behavioral Sciences are offered on a regular schedule. This page outlines the semester and/or years that each course is offered. This page should serve only as a guideline as SSBS reserves the right to make changes to the offerings at any time. The current course availability can be found in the official Andrews University course schedule at


  • In the schedule colum, courses noted "Fall", "Spring", "Fall & Spring", or "All" are offered every year. The addition of "even" or "odd" is used in alternate year courses to designate which years the course is offered. i.e. Odd Spring designates a course that is offered Spring 2025, 2027, 2029 and so on.
  • Courses may appear multiple times in the table if multiple sections are offered, they are crosslisted, or they are taught in multiple formats.
  • In the instances where multiple instructors are listed, an & indicates that the course is co-taught, where an "/" indicates that the instructors alternate teaching the course.

SSBS Undergraduate Lecture Courses

Course Instructor Cr. Schedule
ANTH200 Cultural Anthropology Hatfield 3 Spring
ANTH205 Introduction to Archaeology Hatfield 3 Fall (even)
ANTH210 Anthropologies in Motion Hatfield 3 Fall (odd)
ANTH417 Cultural and Developmental Anthropology Hatfield 3 Spring (odd)
ANTH455 Ethnography Hatfield 3 Summer (Even - Tour)
ANTH478 Archaeological & Ethnographical Perspectives Hatfield 3 Summer (Even - Tour)
ANTH496 Supervised Fieldwork in Anthropology or Archaeology Hatfield 1-8 Summer (Even - Tour)
BHSC225 Global Social Issues Witzel 3 Fall
BHSC230 Research Methods I Helm 3 Fall
GEOG110 Survey of Geography Nay 3 Spring
GEOG260 Cultural Geography Hatfield 3 Spring
ANTH440 What is Other? (HONS345H) Hatfield 3 Spring
HONS380H Cognitive Science & Faith Bailey 3 Fall (even)
PSYC101-001 Introduction to Psychology Bailey/Contract 3 Fall & Spring
PSYC101-002 Introduction to Psychology Contract 3 Fall & Spring
PSYC101-003 Introduction to Psychology Burnett/Ponce-Rodas 3 Fall
PSYC105 Careers and Plans for the Psychology Major Bailey & Burnett 0 Fall
PSYC201 Human Development Ponce-Rodas 3 Fall & Spring
PSYC201 Human Development Ponce-Rodas 3 Spring
PSYC204 Personal, Social and Career Development Ponce-Rodas 3 Fall (even)
PSYC210 Introduction to Health Psychology Contract 3 Fall (even)
PSYC269 History & Systems of Psychology Ponce-Rodas 3 Spring (even)
PSYC319 Stress Management Ponce-Rodas 3 Fall (even)
PSYC355 Cultural Psychology Helm 3 Summer (odd - Tour)
PSYC364 Learning & Behavior Bailey 3 Fall
PSYC366 Drugs and Behavior Burnett 3 Fall (odd)
PSYC405 MPA Meeting Bailey & Burnett 1 Spring
PSYC410 Counseling & Psychotherapy Helm 3 Spring
PSYC420 Human Sexuality Ponce-Rodas 3 Fall (odd)
PSYC432 Research Methods II Bailey 3 Fall
PSYC433 Research Methods III Burnett 3 Spring
PSYC434 Research Methods IV Helm 3 Spring
PSYC445 Cognitive Psychology Bailey 3 Spring
PSYC449 Neuropsychopharmacology Mbungu 3 Spring
PSYC450 Social Psychology Helm 3 Fall
PSYC454 Theories of Personality Helm 3 Fall
PSYC460 Psychology of Abnormal Behavior Helm 3 Spring
PSYC465 Physiological Psychology Bailey 3 Spring
PSYC468 Community Psychology Ponce-Rodas 3 Fall (odd)
PSYC471 Behavior Modification Burnett 3 Spring (even)
PSYC483 Disaster Psychology Burnett 3 Fall (even)
PSYC486 Psychological Assessment Burnett 3 Spring (odd)
PSYC490 Practicum in Psychology Ponce-Rodas 3 Spring
SOCI119-001 Principles of Sociology Witzel 3 Fall
SOCI119-002 Principles of Sociology Witzel 3 Fall & Spring
SOCI215 Intro to Criminal Justice Contract 3 Fall (even)
SOCI235 Police Org, Admin, and Comm Dynamics Burnett 3 Spring (odd)
SOCI255 Juvenile Delinquency Contract 3 Fall (odd)
SOCI314 Migrant & Refugee Issues Hatfield 3 Fall (even)
SOCI350 Social Policy SOWK 2 Spring
SOCI366 Drugs and Behavior Burnett 3 Fall (odd)
SOCI408 Emergency Preparedness Torres 2 Fall
SOCI420 Medical Sociology Witzel 3 Spring (even)
SOCI425 Racial & Ethnic Relations Witzel 3 Spring (even)
SOCI430 Gender Roles in Contempry Society Witzel 3 Spring (odd)
SOCI432 Research Methods II Hatfield 3 Fall
SOCI433 Research Methods III Witzel 3 Spring
SOCI434 Research Methods IV Helm 3 Spring
SOCI445 Emergency Planning Burnett 2 Spring (even)
SOCI468 Community Change Ponce-Rodas 3 Fall (odd)
SOCI470 Demography Nay 3 Spring (odd)
SOCI474 Social Thought & Theory Witzel 3 Fall (even)

SSBS Arranged & Independent courses

The courses in this table are arranged or independent courses which grant students academic credit for independent projects or have individualized schedules arranged between the instructor and the student. These courses require instructor permission so you'll need to contact the appropriate instructor before attempting to register. If you don't see the course you need in the official AU schedule or registration central, please email with the details of the course you need as some are only added to the schedule upon request.

Course Instructor Cr. Schedule
ANTH435 Museum & Lab Methods Staff 3 All (by request)
BHSC300 Community Engagement Fieldwork Burnett 1-2 All (by request)
BHSC480 Professional Conference: MASAL Burnett 0 Spring
BHSC498 Research Project Hatfield 0-3 All Semesters
PSYC438 Workshop: Addictions Burnett 1-3 All Semesters
PSYC480 Field Experience Burnett 1-8 All (by request)
PSYC485 Portfolio Burnett 0 All
PSYC498 Research Project Bailey 0-3 All Semesters
PSYC498 Research Project Burnett 0-3 All Semesters
PSYC498 Research Project Helm 0-3 All Semesters
PSYC498 Research Project Ponce-Rodas 0-3 All Semesters
SOCI498 Research Project Witzel 0-3 All Semesters
SOCI480 Field Experience Witzel 1-8 All (by request)
SOCI497 Internship Witzel 1-2 All (by request)

Interactive Online Classes

Interactive Online classes allow students to complete course requirements asynchronously. Students will not be required to attend lectures at a designated time, but will be required to complete assignments and activities on a weekly basis. Those courses marked with an * require main campus student to get permission from the department chair in order to register. Please email Ms. Bradfield at for more information.

Course Instructor Cr. Schedule
ANTH200 Cultural Anthropology Hatfield 3 All
*PSYC101 Introduction to Psychology Staff 3 All
*PSYC201 Human Development Staff 3 All
*PSYC450 Social Psychology Staff 3 All
*SOCI119 Principles of Sociology Staff 3 All
Coming Soon: PSYC204 Personal, Social & Career Development Staff 3 All
Coming Soon: PSYC315 Organization & Human Resources Staff 3 All
Coming Soon: PSYC318 Stress Management Staff 3 All
Coming Soon: PSYC468 Community Psychology Staff 3 All