Practicum Education

Get Involved! Change the World!

School of Social Work
4141 Administration Drive
(269) 471-6196

General Overview

The Social Work Practicum Experience is educationally directed and professionally supervised to provide students with the opportunity to engage in generalist and advanced generalist social work activities in professional settings. This experiential learning environment integrates theory and practice!


Most students complete their required hours from September to May during their program. A recommended timeline base on a Sept-May internship schedule is available to provide guidance on what to do by when to successfully complete the practicum requirements.

Students, with guidance and support from the Practicum Education team, can choose from a list of current university approved affiliate organizations or find their own. Most of the current affiliates are located near the University in Southwest Michigan or Northern Indiana. 


For personalized assistance, schedule an appointment with the Director of Practicum Education at a time that is convenient for you!

Student Resources

This toolkit has been compiled to help students successfully complete their internship requirements and includes links to important documents, step-by-step instructions, tips and tricks, etc. 

The computer based system used to document and manage internship related paperwork.