Academic Programs
University Admissions
Berrien Springs Campus
Online and Distance
Earn State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs) through our approved online courses, offered in collaboration with trusted organizations. Please visit the Michigan SCECHs catalog to explore and register for our courses. See the full list of available courses below.
CEU Course Titles | SCECHs |
A Guide to Blooms Taxonomy and Cognitive Thinking | 1 |
A Guide to Webb's DOK: Understanding Rigor | 1 |
AI for Students: Ensuring Appropriate & Effective Use | 1 |
AI for Teachers: Increase Productivity & Improve Instruction | 1 |
Aligning Homework to Instruction | 1 |
An Introduction to Logical Fallacies | 1 |
Art-Based Strategies for Literacy Instruction | 30 |
Assessment Tools to Support Online Learning | 1 |
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder | 30 |
Autism Spectrum Disorder | 30 |
Beginning Conversational French | 24 |
Behavior Contract Design | 1 |
Behavior is Language | 45 |
Behavior Strategies for Improved Testing Performance | 1 |
Boundaries, Comm, and Professionalims in the Classroom | 1 |
Building Effective Writing Prompts for All Students | 8 |
Building Reading and Writing Fluency | 10 |
Bullying and Cyber Intimidation | 30 |
Checking for Understanding in Elementary Math | 8 |
Child Abuse | 30 |
Choosing the Right Assessments for your Students | 16 |
Claim-Evidence-Reasoning (CER) in the Science Classroom | 12 |
Classroom Management Processes | 14 |
Classroom Writing Strategies for ELL Students | 15 |
Collaborative Learning in the Classroom | 8 |
Conversational Japanese | 24 |
Counseling for College Prep | 24 |
Creating a Classroom Website | 24 |
Creating a Structured Classroom for Students with Autism | 1 |
Creating Classroom Centers | 24 |
Creating the Inclusive Classroom: Strategies for Success | 24 |
Designing a Quality Sub Folder | 1 |
Designing IEP Goals | 1 |
Diagnostic Assessments: An Overview | 1 |
Differentiated Instruction for the Classroom | 24 |
Differentiating K-12 Assessments | 24 |
Digital Tools for Close Reading | 30 |
Digital Tools for College Counseling | 30 |
Digital Tools for Teaching Life Skills and Financial Literacy | 30 |
Discover Sign Language | 24 |
Discover Sign Language II | 24 |
Drawing for the Beginner | 24 |
Drugs and Alcohol in Schools | 30 |
Earning an "A" on Teacher Evaluations | 45 |
Educating Diverse Populations in Your Classroom | 1 |
Educational Technology | 45 |
Empowering Students with Disabilities | 24 |
Enhancing Language Development in Childhood | 24 |
Explicit Instruction in Elementary Reading | 8 |
Expository Writing & Embedded Grammar Instruction | 12 |
Flipped Learning in the Classroom | 10 |
Fostering Divergent Thinking for Student Creativity | 1 |
Getting Started with Artificial Intelligence in Education | 30 |
Grouping English Language Learners | 1 |
Growth Mindset in the Gifted Classroom | 18 |
Guided Reading & Writing Strategies for Maximum Student Achievement | 24 |
Guided Reading in Small Group Instruction | 12 |
Guided Reading Strategies for the Differentiated Classroom | 24 |
Handling Medical Emergencies (Self-Guided) | 24 |
Infant and Toddler Mental Health Early Childhood | 30 |
Inquiry-Based Teaching and Learning | 10 |
Inspire Family Engagement with Positive Communication | 12 |
Instant Italian | 24 |
Instructional Strategies and Learning Activities | 26 |
Instructionally-Aligned Field Trips | 1 |
Integrating Technology in the Classroom | 24 |
Integrating Technology with Blended Learning | 10 |
Intro to Active Monitoring and Data Collection | 6 |
Intro to Classroom Documentation | 6 |
Intro to Online Learning | 10 |
Introduction to Response to Intervention (RTI) | 6 |
Learning Disabilities | 45 |
Literacy Stations for PreK-2nd Grade | 10 |
Maintaining and Improving Professionalism on Campus | 1 |
Maintaining Appropriate Teacher Student Boundaries | 15 |
Making the Most of Your Limited Planning Time | 1 |
Math Stations for PreK-2nd Grade | 10 |
Measuring Growth in Writing Using Rubrics | 8 |
Memorization Using the Memory Palace Technique | 1 |
Merrill Ream Speed Reading | 24 |
Notetaking and Study Skills 101 | 45 |
Peer Tutoring for English Language Learners | 8 |
Planning for Differentiation in Every Classroom | 14 |
Planning for Lab Investigations in the Science Classroom | 18 |
Practical Action Research in the Classroom | 18 |
Productive Methods of Struggle for Students | 1 |
Professionalism Through Positive Personality | 1 |
Project-Based Learning | 22 |
Providing Actionable Feedback to Students | 18 |
Ready Set Read! | 24 |
Recitation through Rote Memorization of Text | 1 |
Response to Intervention | 45 |
Response to Intervention: Reading Strategies that Work | 24 |
Retrieval Practice for Understanding Math | 1 |
Simple ELL Vocabulary Strategies | 1 |
Simple Ideas to Promote Student Engagement | 1 |
Social and Emotional Learning: Optimizing Learning Environments with Life Skills | 45 |
Social and Emotional Support for Gifted Students | 1 |
Solving Classroom Discipline Problems | 24 |
Solving Classroom Discipline Problems II | 24 |
Spanish in the Classroom | 24 |
Strategies and Tools for Co-Teaching | 18 |
Strategies to Check for Understanding | 8 |
Strategies to Support Social-Emotional Learning | 8 |
Student-Led Classroom Management | 12 |
Supporting at Risk Young Learners & Their Families | 45 |
Supporting Reading for Middle School Learners | 8 |
Supporting Reading Instruction for K-5 Students | 8 |
Survival Kit for New Teachers | 24 |
Talented and Gifted | 30 |
Teaching Adult Learners | 24 |
Teaching Effective Problem-Based Lab Reports | 1 |
Teaching High School Students | 24 |
Teaching Math Grades 4-6 | 24 |
Teaching Methods for Solving Word Problems | 1 |
Teaching Preschool - A Year of Inspiring Lessons | 24 |
Teaching Science Grades 4-6 | 24 |
Teaching Smarter with SMART Boards | 24 |
Teaching Students with ADHD | 24 |
Teaching Students with Autism: Strategies for Success | 24 |
Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities | 24 |
Teaching the Notecard System | 1 |
Teaching Proper Text Annotations & Evidence | 8 |
Teaching Writing Grades 4-6 | 24 |
Teaching Writing Grades K-3 | 24 |
The Creative Classroom | 24 |
The Differentiated Instruction and Response to Intervention Connection | 24 |
The Gradual Release of Responsibility Model | 1 |
The Science Poster for the GT Student | 1 |
Tranforming Traditional Lessons to Online Learning | 14 |
Trauma-Informed Teaching Strategies for Grades 6-12 | 1 |
Trauma-Informed Teaching Strategies for Pre K-5th Grade | 1 |
Traumatized Child | 30 |
Understanding Adolescents | 24 |
Understanding Aggression | 45 |
Understanding and Supporting Students with ADHD | 1 |
Understanding and Supporting Students with Dyslexia | 1 |
Understanding Students at Risk of Dropping Out | 1 |
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Principles | 1 |
Using Graphic Organizers with Bloom's Taxonomy | 8 |
Using the ABC Method for Appropriate Student Behavior | 12 |
Using the Internet in the Classroom | 24 |
Varied Assessment Methods for Gifted Students | 10 |
Violence in Schools | 30 |
Working Successfully with Learning Disabled Stduents | 24 |
Writing Effective Learning Objectives | 12 |
Writing Support for English Language Learners | 8 |