Courses We Offer

Our professional development courses are provided by the partners listed below. Click on a partner's name to quickly navigate to their course offerings. For detailed course descriptions, syllabi, or additional information, simply click the link at the top of each partner’s section.


To ernoll visit Adventist Learning Community.

To receive 1 graduate credit ($150) from Andrews University for one of the Adventist Learning Community courses, use this link: registration link, or scan the QR code below.

Course Title Course Number Credits
Integrating Technology Through Service EDCI-622-001 1
Technology for 21st Century Learning EDCI-622-002 1
Global Classroom Collaborations EDCI-622-003 1
Technology in the Early Elementary Classroom EDCI-622-004 1
The Role of Questions in the Classroom EDCI-622-005 1
Becoming a Mentor Teacher EDCI-622-006 1
School Safety EDCI-622-007 1

The purpose of The Creative Teacher Education Institute is to provide high-quality standards-based professional development courses through online training services to certified teachers for teacher training and continuing teacher educational services. Our intent is provide effective and engaging virtual learning environments for teachers to integrate in their classroom based upon Next Generation and Common Core Learning Standards of Curriculum Instruction, Instructional Technology, and National Educational Technology Standards. Students will have a mandated 45 hours of online class time to complete all courses assignments for submission. Students can apply course credit for their professional advancement upon school district approval. All instructors are highly qualified NYS certified teachers working in the field of education.


To ernoll visit Creative Teacher Education Institute.

Course Title Course Number Credits
Adult Life 101: Teaching Life Skills EDCI 649-001 3
All About Anxiety in School Aged Children EDCI 649-002 3
All About School Mental Health EDCI 649-003 3
All About School Refusal EDCI 649-004 3
Beating Test Anxiety EDCI 649-005 3
Effective Parental Involvement EDCI 649-006 3
Healing Trauma Through Reading and Writing EDCI 649-007 3
Literature Outside the English Classroom EDCI 649-008 3
Mind Your Manners EDCI 649-009 3
Teaching Teens and Preteens EDCI 649-010 3
10 Things to Know about Depression in Children and Adolescents EDCI 649-011 3
Around the World in 180 Days EDCI 649-012 3
Autsim A-Z EDCI 649-013 3
Counting on Independent Learning Through Math Workstations EDCI 649-014 3
Innovative Practices in Education EDCI 649-015


Keeping our Students and Staff Safe EDCI 649-016 3
Math Made Simple for Students with Learning Disabilities EDCI 649-017 3
Online Archaeologist EDCI 649-018 3
Seeing Science Through the Lens of a Child EDCI 649-019 3
Supporting the Communication Struggles of ELL Students EDCI 649-020 3
Supporting the Reading Struggles of ELL Students EDCI 649-021 3
Teaching Vocabulary in the Foreign Language Classroom EDCI 649-022 3
The Effects Stress has on Student Learning EDCI 649-023 3
What's for Homework? Making Homework and Assignement Policies that Make Sense EDCI 649-024 3
Chemicals in the Classroom EDCI 649-025 3
Creative Projects in the Classroom EDCI 649-026 3
Grocery Store Math EDCI 649-027 3
Enhancing Your Classroom Curriculum EDCI 649-028 3
Making Math Magical EDCI 649-029 3
Sports Math EDCI 649-030 3
Welcome Diversity EDCI 649-031 3
All About Dyslexia EDCI 649-032 3
Artificial Intelligence & it's Effect on Education EDCI 649-033 3
Books without Bias EDCI 649-034 3
Building Self-Esteem for Students EDCI 649-035 3
Empowering Students in the Culturally Competent Classroom EDCI 649-036 3
Reaching the Resilient Student EDCI 649-037 3
The Power of Positive Thinking EDCI 649-038 3
Classroom Climate EDCI 649-039 3
The Power in the Art of Questioning EDCI 649-040 3
Technology has become ubiquitous in our society.  It has changed every conceivable aspect of our civilization, from helping us fulfill everyday tasks such as shopping online to changing the course of historical events such as promoting the rapid spread of political movements through social media.  In particular, the impact that technology has had on education and the dissemination of information has been and continues to be profound.  As educators, one of our foremost goals is to prepare students for the future. 


Students need to be able to thrive, advance, and contribute in an interconnected and constantly changing society.  Educators need to possess digital age skills and pedagogical strategies in order to be successful in the many roles they play as teachers and learners.  In addition, educators need to be prepared to leverage the technologies available to them in order to succeed in the rapidly changing 21st Century classroom.                        

Our mission is to accomplish all of these goals by providing expert professional development to educators.  In addition, we support the communities we serve by giving a portion of our revenue to local charities.

To enroll visit Ed Technology Specialists.

Course Title Course Number Credits
Assisting Special Needs Learners with Instructional Technology EDCI 639-004 3
Writing = Thinking: Strategies for All Content Areas EDCI 639-021 3
Ed Tech Tools for Creation and Collaboration EDCI 639-022 1
Connected Educators: Harnessing the Power of Social Media for Professional Development EDCI 639-023 3
Exploring the World Around us Through Virtual Field Trips EDCI 639-024 3
Methodologies and Best Practices for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages EDCI 639-025 3
Online Learning: Best Practices to Leverage the Power of Distance Learning EDCI 639-031 3
Google Classroom and Collaborative Tools to Support Online Learning EDCI 639-032 3
Exploring the Power of a Digital Classroom EDCI 639-037 3
Social Emotional Learning EDCI 639-038 3
Equity, Biases, and Critical Thinking in the Classroom EDCI 639-039 3
Ignite Learning with Google in Education EDCI 639-040 1
Best Practices for Social Emotional Learning in Response to Crises EDCI 639-041 3
Becoming a Resilient Educator: Self Care Strategies to Avoid Teacher Burnout EDCI 639-042 3
Closing Gaps with Flipped Learning EDCI 639-044 3
It Takes a Village: Building Community Connections with EdTech EDCI 639-046 3
Enhancing Early Literacy Instruction with EdTech Tools EDCI 639-047 3
Getting Started with Google in Education EDCI 639-048 3
Google Certified Educator EDCI 639-049 3
Elevate Understanding with Project Based Learning EDCI 639-050 3
Gamification in the Classroom EDCI 639-051 3
Overcoming Tech Fatigue EDCI 639-052 3
Supporting English Language Learning with Instructional Tech EDCI 639-053 3
Google Level 2 Certified Educator EDCI 639-054 3
Managing a 1:1 Classroom EDCI 639-055 3
Phenomena-Based Learning in the K-12 Classroom EDCI 639-056 3
Tools to Strengthen Mathematical Process in the K-12 Classroom EDCI 639-057 3
Differentiate Instruction with Technology Integration EDCI 639-058 3
Tools for Close Reading Across the Curriculum EDCI 639-059 3
Understanding & Implementing IEP's with Digital Tools EDCI 639-060 3
Implementing STEAM Skills Across Content Areas EDCI 639-061 3
Mindfulness to Improve Teaching & Learning EDCI 639-062 3
Artificial Intelligence, the MetaVerse and Chatbots in Education EDCI 639-063 3
Best Practices for Teaching English Language Learners EDCI 639-064 1
AI Exploration for Teaching and Learning EDCI 639-066 3
Social Media & Social Emotional Learning EDCI 639-067 3
Vocabulary Strategies to Deepen Students Understanding EDCI 639-068 3
Integrating the Arts into K-12 Literacy Instruction EDCI 639-069 3
Science of Reading: Harnessing Research Driven Digital Tools EDCI 639-070 3
Strategies for Bilingual Education that Empowers all Learners EDCI 639-071 3
Unlocking History: Inquiry-Based Strategies for Primary Source Learning Experiences EDCI 639-072 3
Creating an Anxiety-Aware Classroom EDCI 639-073 3
Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia EDCI 639-074 3
Visual Learning Experiences for ELLs with Canva EDCI 639-075 3
Digital and Media Literacy in the Age of A.I. EDCI 639-076 3
Transforming Pedagogy with A.I. EDCI 639-077 3
Foundations of Digital Literacy & Computer Science for K-12 Educators EDCI 639-078 3
Leading Digital Learning: Applied Skills for Illinois Educators EDCI 639-079 3
Foundations of Artificial Intelligence for K-12 Educators EDCI 639-080 3

MTI is a national provider of inexpensive and university-accredited K-12 teacher graduate courses for salary advancement, state re-certification or continuing education credits.

Founded by teachers, we understand the challenges facing educators and strive to provide exceptional learning opportunities at very reasonable prices. MTI nationally accredited courses are available for continuing education credit and post-baccalaureate academic credit through our university partners.

To enroll visit Midwest Teachers Institute.

Course Title Course Number Credits MTI Number
21st Century Assessment; Raising Student Achievement EDCI 626-001 3 594
21st Century Digital Fluencies for Literacy EDCI 626-002 3 542
50 Ways to Improve Your Students Behavior EDCI 626-003 3 523
75 Ways to Be a Better Teacher Tomorrow EDCI 626-004 3 508
Active Reading Strategies for Middle & High school EDCI 626-005 3 515
Adapted Physical Education: Including Students with Disabilities in Sports and Recreation EDCI 626-006 3 588
Adapting Common Core for the Struggling Student EDCI 626-007 3 504
Advanced Google Tools in Education EDCI 626-008 3 559
Analyzing the Business Landscape of Public Schools EDCI 626-009 3 576
Assessment in a Differentiated Classroom for New & experienced Teachers EDCI 626-010 3 597
Best Practice Reading Strategy: Literature Circles in the K-12 Classroom EDCI 626-011 3 516
Boys & Girls Learn Differently: Proven Methods to Design the ultimate K-12 Classroom EDCI 626-012 3 522
Brain Powered Classroom: Focus, Mindfulness, Emotional Wellness EDCI 626-013 3 532
Building Digital Citizens EDCI 626-014 3 557
Building Literacy Skills for Students with Disabilities EDCI 626-015 3 521
Bullying: Prevention and Intervention in K-12 EDCI 626-016 3 584
Classroom management: Researched & Proven Strategies that Work EDCI 626-017 3 590
Compassionate Teaching :?Building A Trauma Sensitive Classroom EDCI 626-018 3 549
Creating a Classroom Environment for English Learners EDCI 626-019 3 529
Creating a Mindful Classroom: Incorporating Mindfulness in Education EDCI 626-020 3 573
Dealing with Difficult Parents: An Educators and Counselors Survival Guide EDCI 626-021 3 593
Developing a Growth Mindset: For Teachers of all Ages and Curriculum EDCI 626-022 3 534
Differentiation for Gifted Students EDCI 626-023 3 525
Differentiation in the Classroom: Helping All Students Find Success EDCI 626-024 3 535
Disciplinary Literacy: Practical Strategies for Content Area Teachers EDCI 626-025 3 582
Education and Social Media:? Toward A Digital Future EDCI 626-026 3 566
Effective Instructional Practices for English Learners EDCI 626-027 3 528
Empowering Students Through Innovation EDCI 626-028 3 545
Essential Common Core Strategies for Reading & Writing EDCI 626-029 3 502
Fostering Resilient Learners: Creating a Student Sensitive Classroom EDCI 626-030 3 572
Gamification: Boost Comprehension Collaboration and Learning Using Online Based Technology EDCI 626-031 3 556
Google Tools for Educators EDCI 626-032 3 564
Habits of Mind Across the Curriculum EDCI 626-033 3 547
Habits of Mind to Empower Personalized Learning EDCI 626-034 3 507
How Poverty Affects Students' Brains: Brain Research & effective Strategies to Improve Academic Achivement and Readiness EDCI 626-035 3 538
How the Brain Learns: Effective Strategies & Interventions to Maximize Student Learning EDCI 626-036 3 524
How to Leverage Technology to Teach and Assess Writing EDCI 626-037 3 558
Improving Student Achievement through School Wide Leading EDCI 626-038 3 589
Integrating your Curriculum with STEM EDCI 626-039 3 505
Introduction to Special Education: The Basics of Disabilities and IEP's EDCI 626-040 3 519
Leaders in the Classroom EDCI 626-041 3 596
Learning & Implementing Common Core Math for Middle and High School EDCI 626-042 3 503
Learning & Motivation: Practical Strategies for Your Classroom EDCI 626-043 3 570
Measuring Effective Teaching EDCI 626-044 3 501
Minds Online: Teaching Effectively with Technology EDCI 626-045 3 574
PLCs: working together as a Team EDCI 626-046 3 586
Positive Behavior Intervention Supports EDCI 626-047 3 555
Power of Growth Mindset: Transform Teaching, Leadership of all Learners EDCI 626-048 3 533
Powerful Teacher Language: Using Words to Help Children Succeed EDCI 626-049 3 537
Raising Expectations: Returning Rigor to the Classroom EDCI 626-050 3 579
Rediscovering Your Passion for Teaching: Increasing Student Achievement EDCI 626-051 3 571
Social & Emotional Learning in the 21st Century EDCI 626-052 3 539
Social Emotional Learning: Creating a Positive Culture & Climate in your Classroom EDCI 626-053 3 512
Solving Behavior Issues to Create a Positive Classroom EDCI 626-054 3 546
Strategies for Supporting Students with Anxiety EDCI 626-055 3 583
Students with ADHD: Teaching with Success & Growth EDCI 626-056 3 517
Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Teaching with Strategies and Methodologies EDCI 626-057 3 518
Students with Learning Disabilities: Reaching higher Achievement Across all Grade Levels EDCI 626-058 3 520
Teach With Your Strengths:How Great Teachers Inspire Their Students EDCI 626-059 3 509
Teachers Toolbox: Proven Strategies for Student Success EDCI 626-060 3 500
The 21st Century Digitally-Infused Teacher EDCI 626-061 3 562
The Art of Teaching: Getting the most out of Students EDCI 626-062 3 540
The Effects of Poverty on 21st Century Education EDCI 626-063 3 585
The New Art and Science of Teaching Writing: 100 Instructional Strategies For K-12 Students EDCI 626-064 3 552
The Power of Formative Assessment EDCI 626-065 3 536
The Role of GRIT: Embracing GRIT as an Educator EDCI 626-066 3 541
Unlocking Students Potential with Technologies EDCI 626-067 3 575
Using Technology to Make Differentiating Fast and Easy EDCI 626-068 3 563
Vocabulary for the Modern Day Classroom: K-12 Strategies for ELL/ESL, Content Areas & Beyond EDCI 626-069 3 595
Web 2.0 Tools for the Classroom EDCI 626-070 3 560
Web 2.0: Cool Tools for Schools EDCI 626-071 3 561
The Whole Brain Child EDCI 626-072 3 592D
The New Art and Science of Teaching Reading & Comprehension EDCI 626-073 3 554
Drug Abuse: Signs, Symptoms & Strategies for Education Professionals EDCI 626-074 3 510
Unleashing the Power of Relationships in Today's Schools EDCI 626-075 3 578
Teaching Students Living in Condition of Poverty EDCI 626-076 3 515
Online Teaching for K-12 Schools EDCI 626-077 3 500OT
Teaching in the Post-Covid Classroom EDCI 626-078 3 506
Bringing Remote Learning to Life: The Google Infused Classroom EDCI 626-079 3 526
Managing Unstoppable Student Learning EDCI 626-080 3 502
Seven Keys to a Positive Learning Environment EDCI 626-081 3 592
Culturally Responsive Teaching EDCI 626-082 3 548
The ELL Teachers Toolbox: Hundreds of Practical Ideas & Supports for Your Students EDCI 626-083 3 584
Art & Science of Teaching Math: 100 Strategies & Examples EDCI 626-084 3 587
Grading for Equity: Accurate & Bias-Resistant Grading Practices Leading a Culture of Learning EDCI 626-085 3 539
Street Data: Leading with Equity EDCI 626-086 3 530
From Burnout to Burned In: Hacking Teacher Burnout EDCI 626-087 3 600
Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons to help with Learning EDCI 626-088 3 628
The Future of Smart: Transforming Young People to Thrive EDCI 626-089 3 626
Uncommon Sense Teaching EDCI 626-090 3 627
A Fresh Look at Phonics EDCI 626-091 3 631
Artfully Teaching the Science of Reading EDCI 626-092 3 629
Shifting the Balance EDCI 626-093 3 630
AI in Education EDCI 626-094 3 580
Assessment of Bilingual and ESL Students EDCI 626-095 3 551
Cross-Cultural Studies for Teaching Limited English Proficient Students EDCI 626-096 3 550
Culturally Responsive Teaching for ESL & Bilingual Students EDCI 626-097 3 569
Linguistics for ESL/Bilingual Educators EDCI 626-098 3 511
Methods and Materials for Teaching ESL EDCI 626-099 3 531
Methods of Teaching in a Bilingual Setting EDCI 626-100 3 544
Theoretical Foundations of Teaching ESL and Bilingual Students EDCI 626-101 3 514
LBSI Characteristics EDCI 626-102 3 508
LBSI Methods EDCI 626-103 3 509
Survey of Exceptional Child EDCI 626-104 3 507
Psychological Diagnosis EDCI 626-105 3 510
Adapted PE: Including Students with Disabilities in Sports and Recreation EDCI 626-106 3 608
Anatomy & Physiology EDCI 626-107 3 635
Developing PE Content & Instruction: Engaging Students of all Ability Levels EDCI 626-108 3 612
Introduction to Kinesiology EDCI 626-109 3 644
PE Curriculum: Lessons that meet National Standards K-12 EDCI 626-110 3 624
PE Methods and Assessments; Change, Challenge, Choice EDCI 626-111 3 605
Sports Biometrics EDCI 626-112 3 647
Giving Students a Voice: Fostering Effective Classroom Discussions EDCI 626-113 3 698
Assessment & Diagnosis of Reading Problems EDCI 626-114 3 561
Content Area of Reading EDCI 626-115 3 543
Development & Remedial Reading Instruction Support, Materials, Resources EDCI 626-116 3 567
Foundations of Reading EDCI 626-117 3 513
Literature Appropriate to Students Across All Grade Levels EDCI 626-118 3 568
Practicum in Literacy Assessment EDCI 626-119 3 591
502TT Bigger than Life Skills for Successful Students EDCI 626-120 3  
505TT EdTech Pioneers EDCI 626-121 3  
503TT Favorite Tech Tools for Social Studies EDCI 626-122 3  
507TT From Chaos to Calm EDCI 626-123 3  
504TT Giving Students a Voice EDCI 626-124 3  
501TT Teaching Tech Savvy Students Cyber Saftey EDCI 626-125 3  
510TT The Digital Classroom Revolution EDCI 626-126 3  
500TT The Power of PLCs EDCI 626-127 3  
509TT Thriving Amidst Challenges EDCI 626-128 3  
506TT Transform Learning With Google Arts & Culture EDCI 626-129 3  
508TT Turning Pages, Changing Lives EDCI 626-130 3  

PLS Classes offers graduate-level courses specifically designed to meet the challenges and needs of today’s teachers by providing participants with unique opportunities to learn in ways that value their experience as working teachers and support them in their continued growth. Courses are available in a variety of formats, and each course is delivered by an experienced master instructor who is a practicing classroom teacher or has extensive experience in education.

Each course provides the practical knowledge, skills, and strategies educators need to become and remain effective teachers in their unique classroom settings. Courses are designed to engage participants in interactive instruction and discussion, encouraging practical skills and strategies to be implemented in any content area or with any grade level right away.

To enroll visit PLS Classes.

Course Title Course Number Credits
Action Research for the Classroom EDCI 631-001 3
Action Research in the E-Learning Environment EDCI 631-002 3
Building Online Collaborative Environments EDCI 631-003 3
Cultural Competence: A Transformative Journey EDCI 631-004 3
Differentiated Instruction for Today's Classroom EDCI 631-007 3
Educating the Net-Generation EDCI 631-008 3
Facilitating Online Learning Communities EDCI 631-009 3
Instructional Design for Online Educators EDCI 631-012 3
Reading Across the Curriculum EDCI 631-014 3
Successful Teaching for Acceptance of Responsibility EDCI 631-017 3
Teaching the English Language Learner EDCI 631-019 3
Using Online Resources to Bring Primary Sources to the Classroom EDCI 631-020 3
Purposeful Learning Through Multiple Intelligences EDCI 631-023 3
Classroom Management: Orchestrating a Community of Learners EDCI 631-041 3
Teaching Through Learning Channels EDCI 631-042 3
Blended and Synchronous Learning Design EDCI 631-045 3
Foundations of Literacy: Beginning Reading EDCI 631-047 3
Instructional Coaching EDCI 631-048 3
Building a Professional Network EDCI 631-049 3
Classroom Communication  EDCI 631-050 3
Content and Assessment EDCI 631-051 3
Creating an Effective Classroom Culture EDCI 631-052 3
Instructional Strategies to Increase Student Achievement EDCI 631-053 3
Purposeful and Engaging Classroom Discussions EDCI 631-054 3
Responsive Teaching and Equitable Practices EDCI 631-055 3
Achieving Student Outcomes Through Cooperative Learning EDCI 631-056 3
Collaborative Inquiry for Students: Preparing Minds for the Future EDCI 631-057 3
Designing Motivation for All Learners EDCI 631-058 3
Professional Learning for Teacher Effectiveness EDCI 631-059 3
Social Emotional Learning: Essential to Student Success EDCI 631-060 3
Strategies for the Inclusive Classroom EDCI 631-061 3
Student Engagement and Standards-Based Learning EDCI 631-062 3
Meaningful Activities to Generate Interesting Classrooms EDCI 631-063 3
Developing Executive Functions to Empower Learners EDCI 631-064 3
Building Community & Teamwork in the Classroom EDCI 631-065 3

Gain insights and new perspectives from lifelong educators who know what it takes to succeed in the classroom. Our continuing education graduate-level courses by help you reach a range of goals: advance your salary, renew your license and develop deep expertise on topics that matter most to you. Or explore our professional development resources if you simply need to meet your hours requirements.

To enroll visit Teaching Channel.

Course Title Course Number Credits TC Number
Achieving Success with English Language Learners EDCI 641-003 3 842
Across the Spectrum: Teaching Students with Autism EDCI 641-004 3 776
ADHD: Focusing, Learning, Teaching EDCI 641-005 3 5027
Building Comprehension in the Primary Grades EDCI 641-010 3 760
Building Successful Readers in All Content Areas EDCI 641-012 3 880
Caring for the Mental Health of your Students EDCI 641-014 1 854
Create and Captivate: Using an Online Presence to Teach EDCI 641-017 3 5835
Differentiated Learning: How to Teach to Varying Abilities and Levels EDCI 641-020 3 717
Fully Wired: Understanding and Empowering Adolescents EDCI 641-029 3 693
Math Works: Teaching Math with the Brain in Mind EDCI 641-041 3 970
One Stop Shop: Online Docs, Sketches, Spreadsheets & Virtual EDCI 641-042 3 5833
Parent Trap: Achieving Success with Difficult Parents & Difficult Situations EDCI 641-043 3 859
Succeeding with the Struggling Student EDCI 641-053 3 753
Teach Like a Champ: Effective Strategies for an Engaging Classroom EDCI 641-057 3 5683
The Challenging Child: Strategies for the Early Childhood Classroom EDCI 641-061 3 5838
What Great Teachers Do EDCI 641-075 3 855
Co-Teaching; Partners in Practice EDCI 641-078 3 5843
Engaging Parents for Student Success EDCI 641-079 3 5844
Grief & Your Students: Honoring, Sharing and Healing EDCI 641-080 1 5845
Learning to Learn: Student Skills for School & Life EDCI 641-085 3 5847
Raise the Bar: Positive Intervention for Students who Challenge K-8 EDCI 641-087 3 5849
PBIS 101 EDCI 641-088 3 5850
Leading Intentional Talk With Young Math Students EDCI 641-090 3 5852
A Moving Body; A Thinking Brain EDCI 641-091 3 5853
Moving Math: How to use Different Math Stations EDCI 641-092 3 5854
Neurodiversity: A New Approach for Students with Special Needs EDCI 641-093 3 5855
Mindsets Matter EDCI 641-099 3 731
Mindful Leadership in Schools EDCI 641-103 3 898
Building Peace Through Restorative Practice in Schools EDCI 641-111 3 5006
Trauma - Sensitive Teaching: Helping Students EDCI 641-112 3 5007
Writer's Workshop: Engage Students Using Mentor Texts and Writer's Notebooks EDCI 641-114 3 5015
Literacy and Learning EDCI 641-117 3 506
Empathy & Understanding; The New Tools for Students with Challenging Behavior EDCI 641-119 3 5032
Equitable Learning with Assistive Technology in the Classroom EDCI 641-120 3 5034
Five Fabulous Skills for Lifelong Success EDCI 641-121 3 5041
Focus on Phonics for Effective Reading, Writing, & Spelling Instruction EDCI 641-122 3 5030
Incorporating Mindfulness: Strategies to Encourage Student Focus & Awareness EDCI 641-123 2 5018
Increasing Comprehension with Close Reading in Your Classroom EDCI 641-124 3 5040
Making Content Accessible for Your English Language Learners EDCI 641-125 3 5025
Victorious Vocabulary Instruction for Remarkable Reading EDCI 641-134 3 5038
Creating an Inclusive Classroom for Students with Exceptionalities EDCI 641-135 3 5029
Mindsets & Math: Enjoyment & Achievement for All EDCI 641-138 3 5033
Think Like a Historian! Teaching Historical Investigations in Social Situations EDCI 641-143 3 5017
Wholehearted Teaching: Reigniting Your Passion for the Teaching Profession EDCI 641-144 3 5021
Boosting Social Emotional Learning through Sport & Physical Education EDCI 641-145 3 5055
Move, Grow, Play EDCI 641-149 3 5057
Social Emotional Learning EDCI 641-150 3 5031
Vocabulary Instruction and Word Learning for Secondary Content Areas EDCI 641-152 3 5065
Improving Outcomes for Students in Poverty EDCI 641-154 3 5077
Solving the Reading Puzzle: Using Assessment to Drive Intervention EDCI 641-155 3 5078
Impactful Coaching: Reflection, Support, Growth (154 was prev ind for this but was already assigned) EDCI 641-157 3 5084
Going Above & Beyond Academics for English Language Learners EDCI 641-158 3 5068
Anxiety Awareness: Empowering Students with Help and Hope EDCI 641-160 3 5102
Building Strong Relationships in the Classroom: Care to Connect EDCI 641-161 2 5058
From Trauma-Informed to Trauma-Invested: Creating a Culture of Safety EDCI 641-162 3 5062
The Practice and Power of Vulnerability in the Classroom EDCI 641-164 3 5101
An Educator's Guide to Global Thinking and Cultural Competence EDCI 641-165 3 5119
Authentic Teaching and Learning for the 21st Century EDCI 641-166 3 5104
Connection in the Classroom EDCI 641-167 3 5109
Creating a Vision for Equity in Education EDCI 641-168 3 5110
Creating an Anti-Racist Classroom EDCI 641-169 3 5128
Cultivating Digital Citizenship in Today's Classroom EDCI 641-170 3 5120
Digital Tools in the Connected Classroom EDCI 641-171 3 5093
Docs, Slides and Forms in the Classroom: Your Next Level Google Guide EDCI 641-172 3 5099
Empathy & Social Comprehension for a Compassionate Classroom EDCI 641-173 3 5107
Engagement Strategies for the 21st Century Thinking Classroom EDCI 641-174 3 5112
Enhancing Formative Assessment Practices with Technology EDCI 641-175 3 5098
Exploring the Impact of Social Media on Students, Wellness, and Society? EDCI 641-176 3 5115
Five Keys to Reading Instruction EDCI 641-177 3 5126
Integrating Innovative Classroom Technology EDCI 641-179 3 5096
Keeping Students Safe At School EDCI 641-180 3 5088
Learning on the Move! EDCI 641-181 3 5106
Making the Shift to Blended Learning in Your Classroom EDCI 641-182 3 5097
Mindsets and Skillsets for a Culturally Responsive Classroom EDCI 641-183 3 5111
Planning for Engagement and Rigor in the Online Classroom EDCI 641-184 3 5130
Priceless, Proactive Classroom Management Practices EDCI 641-185 3 5127
Project Based Learning for the Digital Age EDCI 641-186 3 5133
Reimagining Assessment for the Whole Child EDCI 641-187 3 5117
Supporting Struggling Students through High Leverage Practices EDCI 641-188 3 5125
Teaching Media Literacy in a Fake News World EDCI 641-189 3 5122
Teaching Online with Equity in Mind EDCI 641-191 3 5123
Teaching with Video to Support Digital Classroom Success EDCI 641-192 3 5095
Technology on the Move, Best Practices for Balancing Movement and Tech EDCI 641-193 3 5132
(The) Keys to a Connected Google Classroom EDCI 641-194 3 5118
Beyond Growth Mindsets for Learning without Limits EDCI 641-195 3 5136
Bringing Distance Learning to Life With Equity & Humanity EDCI 641-196 3 5121
Coaching Your Students to Action Using Feedback Loop EDCI 641-197 3 5139
Headings, Highlights & Other Active Strategies for Digital Texts Comp EDCI 641-198 1 5137
Innovation Strategies for Every Classroom EDCI 641-199 3 5138
SEL and Empathy-Based Bullying Prevention  EDCI 641-200 3 5131
Social & Emotional Learning Starts with You EDCI 641-201 3 5203
Special Edcuation Instruction from a Distance EDCI 641-202 3 5135
Teaching with Immersive Technologies EDCI 641-203 3 5134
Bringing Your Students from Unfinished Learning to Soaring Achievement EDCI 641-204 3 5147
Creating Adventure & Engagement with Gamification  EDCI 641-206 3 5205
Magnifying Reading Intervention Through Science & Research EDCI 641-207 3 5150
Maximizing Learning for all Through Differentiation EDCI 641-208 3 5151
Social Studies Instruction for Maximum Impact EDCI 641-209 3 5141
3 Dimensions of Teaching & Learning with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) EDCI 641-210 3 5148
Activate & Energize the Learning Brain EDCI 641-211 3 5129
Deep Thinking Practices for the Math Classroom EDCI 641-212 3 5154
Fantastic Phenomena-Based Learning with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) EDCI 641-213 3 5149
Inspire Student-Driven Learning with Questions & Inquiry EDCI 641-214 3 5144
Integrating Computational Thinking & Coding Across the Curriculum EDCI 641-215 3 5206
New Moves for Teaching Students with Disabilities  EDCI 641-216 3 5140
Time Management Strategies for Educators EDCI 641-217 3 5142
World Language Teaching Methods EDCI 641-218 3 5153
A Closer Look at Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, & Dyscalculia EDCI 641-221 3 5212
Building on Your Strengths for Professional Wellbeing EDCI 641-222 3 5219
Promoting Social Good with EdTech EDCI 641-224 3 5207
Be the Teacher You Want to be EDCI 641-228 3 5108
Boost Your Skills with Google Jamboard EDCI 641-229 1 5220
Connecting & Calming Strategies for Today's Teachers EDCI 641-230 3 5116
Goodbye Teacher Burnout, Welcome Teacher Wellness EDCI 641-231 3 5124
Learning with Laughter & Levity EDCI 641-232 1 5398
Living Your Happiest Life Inside and Outside the Classroom EDCI 641-233 3 5105
Future-Ready Fluencies for 21st Century Learners EDCI 641-234 3 5215
Health Education For Students' Lifelong Wellness EDCI 641-235 3 5224
Math Fluency Beyond the Basic Facts EDCI 641-236 3 5222
Mental Health Advocacy & Allyship for Students of Color EDCI 641-237 3 5229
School Nursing Practices for the 21st Century EDCI 641-238 3 5230
Shifting Your Focus to the Science of Reading EDCI 641-239 3 5227
STEM is the Future for all Students EDCI 641-240 3 5221
Best Practices in Teaching Expository Writing EDCI 641-241 3 5226
Choose your Own EdTech Adventure EDCI 641-242 3 5301
Creativity Reboot for the Art Teacher's Classroom EDCI 641-243 3 5225
Empowering Action with Environmental Science EDCI 641-244 3 5231
Practical Strategies for High-Impact Leadership EDCI 641-245 3 5238
Scaffolding Success for Students with Disabilities EDCI 641-246 1 5240
The Legacy of Racial Injustice EDCI 641-247 3 5233
Transforming Schools through Equity Coaching EDCI 641-248 3 5329
Boosting Classroom Creativity through Canva EDCI 641-249 1 5236
Crack the Shakespeare Code EDCI 641-250 3 5234
Physical Education for Fitness and the Future EDCI 641-251 3 5242
Strategies to Make Learning Stick EDCI 641-252 1 5239
Developing Your Leadership Story EDCI 641-253 3 5248
Educational Innovation with Arts Integration EDCI 641-254 3 5245
Engaging Learners Through Productive Struggle EDCI 641-255 3 5244
Finding Funds for Student Fulfillment EDCI 641-256 1 5246
Help Students Change the World with Civic Engagement EDCI 641-257 3 5243
Inclusion and Access for Students with Disabilities EDCI 641-258 1 5250
Support for Students in Behavioral Crisis EDCI 641-259 2 5249
Tech Tools for Time Management EDCI 641-260 1 5251
Building Comprehension with the Science of Reading EDCI 641-261 3 5269
Full STEAM Ahead with Arts in STEM Education  EDCI 641-262 3 5266
Harness the Power of Screen Time in your Classroom EDCI 641-263 1 5257
Inclusive Support for Students with Severe and Multiple Impairments (SMI) EDCI 641-264 3 5258
Mental Health Matters EDCI 641-265 3 5267
Reclaiming Your Passion for Teaching w Bal Bandwidth EDCI 641-266 3 5271
Spark Deeper Learning with Thinking Routines EDCI 641-267 1 5268
Unlocking World Languages through Comprehensible Input EDCI 641-268 3 5256
Creating Transformative Professional Development EDCI 641-269 3 5276
Explicit Writing Instruction with the Science of Reading in Mind EDCI 641-270 3 5274
Making Magic with Google Sheets and Forms EDCI 641-271 3 5270
Mastering the Art of Better IEPs EDCI 641-272 3 5254
MTSS for Student Success EDCI 641-273 3 5259
Positive Partnerships with Family Engagement EDCI 641-274 3 5417
Reimagining Your Teacher Mindset EDCI 641-275 3 5273
Teaching with Tech in the Content Areas EDCI 641-276 3 5416
Refresh Your Classroom with Active Learning EDCI 641-277 3 5275
Amplify Learning with Podcasts in the Classroom EDCI 641-278 1 5278
Assessment of Literacy EDCI 641-279 3 5265
Instruction for Literacy EDCI 641-281 3 5264
Materials for Teaching Literacy EDCI 641-282 3 5263
Processes and Acquisition of Literacy Skills EDCI 641-283 3 5262
Supporting Social Emotional Growth for English Language Learners EDCI 641-284 3 5283
Unlocking the Potential of AI in Education EDCI 641-285 3 5286
What Every Educator Needs to Know About the Science of Reading EDCI 641-286 1 5281
A Guide to Oppositional Behavior Disorder (ODD) and Similar Behavioral Challenges EDCI 641-300 3 5544
A Quick Guide to Response to Intervention (RTI) EDCI 641-301 3 5543
Advocacy and Support for Students Living with Depression EDCI 641-302 3 5562
Any Questions? Strategies that Work! EDCI 641-303 3 5503
Assessments in the Arts EDCI 641-304 3 5538
Boosting Your Lessons for Student Engagement EDCI 641-305 3 5620
Breaking the Cycle of Student Drug Use and Abuse EDCI 641-306 3 5510
Building and Sustaining an Exceptional Teaching Team EDCI 641-307 3 5636
Building Better Lessons with Warm-Ups and Exit Tickets EDCI 641-308 3 5521
Building Literacy and Social Emotional Learning Through Read-Alouds EDCI 641-309 3 5508
Choosing the Right Tech-Tools for Your Classroom  EDCI 641-310 3 5588
Civics Skills for Today's Students EDCI 641-311 3 5516
Coaching Athletes for Character EDCI 641-312 3 5535
Coding and Creativity for Students EDCI 641-313 3 5602
Communication and Effective Caregiver-Teacher Conferences EDCI 641-314 3 5581
Content Writing Skills for College Readiness EDCI 641-315 3 5637
Creating a Positive ad Organized Educational Environment EDCI 641-316 3 5592
Cultivating Creativity with Literacy EDCI 641-317 3 5621
Cultivating Student-Centered Classrooms EDCI 641-318 3 5579
Cultural Competency from the Classroom to the Community EDCI 641-319 3 5613
Culturally Responsive Teaching in the Special Education Classroom  EDCI 641-320 3 5532
Deeper Learning Through Debate and Argumentation EDCI 641-321 3 5632
Delegation and Other School Leader Superpowers EDCI 641-322 3 5622
Demystifying the College Application Essay EDCI 641-323 3 5619
Differentiation for Students Identified as Gifted EDCI 641-324 3 5559
Ed Tech for the Math Classroom EDCI 641-325 3 5507
Effective Communication Strategies for School Leaders EDCI 641-326 3 5554
Elementary Social Studies Across the Curriculum EDCI 641-327 3 5506
Empower Students with Critical Thinking in Science EDCI 641-328 3 5577
Empowering Co-Curricular Leaders and Students EDCI 641-329 3 5587
Empowering Engagement Strategies in Science EDCI 641-330 3 5537
Empowering Student Assessment with Standards-Based Grading EDCI 641-331 3 5623
Empowering Students to Create Persuasive Arguments EDCI 641-332 3 5624
Engage and Evaluate Students Through Online Assessments EDCI 641-333 3 5609
Engagement with Inquiry-Based Learning in Science EDCI 641-334 3 5509
Engaging Students with Classical Music EDCI 641-335 3 5583
Engaging Students with the U.S. Founding Documents EDCI 641-336 3 5553
Enhancing Learning Through Cognitive Rigor Strategies EDCI 641-337 3 5607
Enhancing Physical Education with Technology Tools EDCI 641-338 3 5548
Ethics and Guiding Principles in Counseling EDCI 641-339 3 5603
Exploring and Measuring Students' Social Emotional Skills EDCI 641-340 3 5564
Exploring Career Readiness with Students EDCI 641-341 3 5541
Exploring Real-World Connections in Math EDCI 641-342 3 5523
Exploring the Civil War Through People, Photography, and Present-Day Perspectives EDCI 641-343 3 5605
Exploring the Multidimensional Complexities of War EDCI 641-344 3 5539
Finding Resilience in Academic and Emotional Adversity EDCI 641-345 3 5600
Flip Your Classroom for Active Learning EDCI 641-346 3 5529
Get Ready! Getting Kids Pumped for PE Class EDCI 641-347 3 5526
Innovative Makerspaces for All Students EDCI 641-348 3 5626
Instructional Models in Physical Education EDCI 641-349 3 5552
Integrating Music Across Content Areas EDCI 641-350 3 5597
Integrating the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) into the Elementary Classroom EDCI 641-351 3 5606
Jazzing Up Your Classroom EDCI 641-352 3 5584
Leading with Awareness and Accountability EDCI 641-353 3 5630
Learning and Belonging in Student-Centered Classrooms EDCI 641-354 3 5558
Learning Life Lessons with Literature EDCI 641-355 3 5590
Level Up with Games in the Classroom EDCI 641-356 3 5546
Listening Skills for English Language Learners EDCI 641-357 3 5527
Multiple Perspectives in U.S. Colonial History EDCI 641-358 3 5561
New Teaching Approaches for the U.S. Civil Rights Movement EDCI 641-359 3 5589
Nurturing Kindness in Classrooms, Schools, and Beyond EDCI 641-360 3 5502
Physical Fitness and Training for Athletic Speed and Agility EDCI 641-361 3 5512
Poetry in the Classroom EDCI 641-362 3 5522
Positive Practices for the Art Classroom EDCI 641-363 3 5520
Preparing Students for College and Career Readiness EDCI 641-364 3 5578
Project-Based Learning and the Four "C"s EDCI 641-365 3 5586
Promoting Problem-Solving Strategies in Math EDCI 641-366 3 5572
Refresh Your Grammar Instruction EDCI 641-367 3 5531
Resolving Conflict in Elementary School EDCI 641-368 3 5582
School Leadership in Special Education EDCI 641-369 3 5525
Special Education Process and Law EDCI 641-370 3 5518
Suicide Prevention Strategies for Educators EDCI 641-371 3 5614
Supporting Literacy Skills in the Elementary Math Classroom EDCI 641-372 3 5611
Teacher Leadership 101 EDCI 641-373 3 5530
Teaching About the Path to the U.S. Presidency EDCI 641-374 3 5610
Teaching and Learning About Social Justice EDCI 641-375 3 5639
Teaching and Learning About the History of Slavery in the U.S. EDCI 641-376 3 5608
Teaching Early Learners Through Project-Based Learning (PBL) EDCI 641-377 3 5574
Teaching Golf to Students EDCI 641-378 3 5567
Teaching Life Skills for Student Success EDCI 641-379 3 5517
Taking Action With Climate Change Education EDCI 641-380 3 5540
Teaching with Games for Multilingual Learners EDCI 641-381 3 5504
Teaching Writing Skills to Students Who Are ELL/MLL EDCI 641-382 3 5563
The Challenges and Benefits of Coaching Youth Sports EDCI 641-383 3 5542
The Gen Ed Guide to Special Ed EDCI 641-384 3 5568
The Importance of Teaching Digital Literacy EDCI 641-385 3 5591
The Law and Legal Issues for Educators and Schools EDCI 641-386 3 5593
The Power of Emotional Intelligence in Learning EDCI 641-387 3 5528
The Powerful Effects of Music on the Brain EDCI 641-388 3 5534
The Why's and How's of Student Motivation EDCI 641-389 3 5500
Thinking and Study Skills for Student Success EDCI 641-390 3 5601
Time-Tested Learning Supports EDCI 641-391 3 5625
Transform Geometry Instruction with Manipulatives EDCI 641-392 3 5560
Trust, Humor, Praise, and Connection for Meaningful Relationships with Students EDCI 641-393 3 5643
Understanding the Psychology of Sports EDCI 641-394 3 5570
Unlocking Student Potential with Blended Learning EDCI 641-395 3 5618
Using Assessments in Physical Education EDCI 641-396 3 5551
Using Literature to Enhance Mathematical Learning EDCI 641-397 3 5557
Using the Data Equity Approach in Schools EDCI 641-398 3 5612
Visualize Success with Graphic Novels EDCI 641-399 3 5585
Write On! Using Personal Narrative in the Classroom EDCI 641-400 3 5633
Surviving and Thriving as a Teacher EDCI 641-401 3 5545
Communicating and Connecting with Families EDCI 641-402 1 5294
Cultivating Equity in STEM EDCI 641-403 3 5272
Effective Fluency Instruction for Skilled Reading EDCI 641-404 3 5293
Growing and Learning with Nature-Based Outdoor Education EDCI 641-405 3 5292
Immersive Learning with Google Arts & Culture EDCI 641-406 1 5295
Learning by Choice EDCI 641-407 3 5300
Love, Literacy, and Liberation in the Culturally Inclusive Classroom EDCI 641-408 3 5290
Motivate, Celebrate, and Innovate with Secondary ELA Instruction EDCI 641-409 3 5289
Nutrition, Exercise, Wellness, and Sleep for Teachers EDCI 641-410 3 5296
Re-Imagining Trauma-Informed Practices with Equity EDCI 641-411 3 5524
Serving up Student Success with Pickleball EDCI 641-412 1 5533
Strengths-Based Support for Neurodiverse Learners EDCI 641-413 3 5291
Systematic and Explicit Phonics Instruction for Early Reading and Writing Success EDCI 641-414 3 5282
Transforming the Mathematical Experiences of Young Children EDCI 641-415 3 5287
Tramua-Informed Teaching in Early Childhood EDCI 641-416 3 5288
Using Technology to Transfrom Research Writing EDCI 641-417 3 5628
World Language Differentiation for Heritage and Native Speakers EDCI 641-418 3 5576
Addressing Chronic Absenteeism with Creative Collaboration EDCI 641-419 3 5418
Beyond the Book: Creating a Comprehensive Unit for Stamped  EDCI 641-420 3 5330
Educating with Neurodiveristy in Mind EDCI 641-421 3 5420
Effective Strategies for Addressing Off-Task Behavior EDCI 641-422 3 5419
Empowering Students with Assistive Technology (AT) EDCI 641-423 3 5310
Instructional Strategies to Engage and Inspire Students EDCI 641-424 3 5703
Making Mistakes Meaningful for Students AND Teachers EDCI 641-425 3 5314
Naviating Anxiety for Student Well-Being EDCI 641-426 3 5421
Questions and Connections with NGSS Science Storylines EDCI 641-427 3 5321
SEL Skills and Practices for High Potential and Gifted Students EDCI 641-428 3 5299
Six (More) Practices to Shift Your Foucs to the Science of Reading EDCI 641-429 3 5317
Teaching Artificial Intelligence (AI) Literacy for Students EDCI 641-430 3 5313
The Brilliance of Playful Lenaring for All Ages EDCI 641-431 3 5315
Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) As Your Classroom Co-Pilot EDCI 641-432 3 5701
Behavior Support for Students with Autism EDCI 641-433 3 5311
Beyond the Book: Creating a Comprehensive Unit for Born a Crime EDCI 641-434 3 5322
Beyond the Book: Creating a Comprehensive Unit for Braiding Sweetgrass EDCI 641-435 3 5331
Celebrating and Supporting Twice-Exceptional (2e) Learners EDCI 641-436 3 5325
Empowering Multilingual Newcomers with Language and SEL Support EDCI 641-437 3 5308
Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Innovative Instruction EDCI 641-438 3 5328
High-Dosage Tutoring for Learning Recovery and Acceleration EDCI 641-439 1 5320
SEL for Middle and High School Students EDCI 641-440 3 5323
Structured Vocabulary Practices for Robust Word Learning EDCI 641-441 3 5327
The Art and Skill of Listening to Understand EDCI 641-442 1 5307
The Power and Possibilites of Play EDCI 641-443 3 5423
Unveiling Efficiency & Engagement with the Magic School AI Tool EDCI 641-444 1 5306
Boost Literacy and Critical Thinking in All Content Areas EDCI 641-445 3 5360
Cultivate Historical Thinking wih Inquiry-Based Labs EDCI 641-446 3 5319
Desinging & Implementing Ethnic Studies EDCI 641-447 3 5324
History & Foundations of Ethnic Studies in K-12 Schools EDCI 641-448 3 5362
Reading Instruction for Multilingual Learners EDCI 641-449 3 5364
Teaching Relationships, Sex & Health Education EDCI 641-450 3 5361
Using FigJam Digital Whiteboards to Engage & Collaborate EDCI 641-451 1 5363
An Educators Guide to Navigating Cell Phone Use in School EDCI 641-452 1 5348
Building Classroom Community & Engagement with Social Media EDCI 641-453 3 5309
Rethinking Assignments & Assessments in the Age of A.I. EDCI 641-454 3 5345
Successful Student Collaboration in the Classroom EDCI 641-455 1 5347
Organize Your Way to a Happier Digital Life EDCI 641-456 1 5352
Transform Reading Instruction with Tech Tools EDCI 641-457 1 5351
Artificial Intelligence Essentials for Educators EDCI 641-458 1 5357
Inclusive PE for Students with Disabilities EDCI 641-459 3 5355
Renew Your Energy, Elevate Your Impact EDCI 641-460 1 5354
Sensory Strategies Student & Classroom Success EDCI 641-461 3 5356
Super Strategies Teaching Science of Reading EDCI 641-462 3 5341
Structuring Science Classroom Innovation & Equity EDCI 641-463 3 5353
For nearly four decades TCL has developed and improved rigorous and effective coursework guided online and on-site by experienced active classroom instructors. TCL instructors make genuine connections with participants, offering individualized instructional, assessment, and growth strategies based on one-on-one discussion and feedback as well as collaborative group learning.
TCL offers over 50 graduate-level credit courses available in self-paced or interactive online formats as well as select scheduled site-based offerings, including:
  • 21st-Century Teaching
  • Content-Area Teaching
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Instructional Strategies
  • Positive Classroom Management
  • Social & Emotional Learning
  • Technology Tools for the Classroom
Whether in the classroom or online, TCL’s high-quality learning opportunities help school professionals work with a community of peers to forge durable links between the latest research and daily practice.


To enroll visit The Connecting Link.

Course Title Course Number Credits
ADHD: Teaching and Learning Strategies EDCI 628-001 3
Advanced iPad Applications: Collaborate, Create, Communicate, and Assess EDCI 628-002 3
Building an Engaging Collaborative Classroom EDCI 628-003 3
Classroom Management that Maximizes Learning and Leadership EDCI 628-004 3
Cognitive Foundations for PK-2 Classroom EDCI 628-005 3
Co-Teaching for Success in the Classroom EDCI 628-006 3
Creating a Balanced and Systematic Literacy Approach to Span K-12 Classrooms EDCI 628-007 3
Cultivating Curiosity and Creativity in the Classroom EDCI 628-008 3
Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading? EDCI 628-009 3
Differentiated Assessments: Alternative Ways to Assess All Students in your Classroom EDCI 628-010 3
Embracing the Multicultural Classroom: Creating an Inclusive and Equitable Environment for All Students EDCI 628-011 3
English Learners and Students with Special Needs: Maximizing Potential in the Traditional and Virtual Classrooms EDCI 628-012 3
Executive Function and Creating Effective Learning Assessments EDCI 628-013 3
Formative, Interim, and Summative Assessments: Increase Engagement, Guide Instruction, Measure Learning EDCI 628-014 3
Integrating STEAM into your Curriculum EDCI 628-015 3
Mindfulness in the 21st Century Classroom EDCI 628-016 3
Positive Discipline: A Guide to Restorative Practices EDCI 628-017 3
Refocusing Attention: Tackling?Student Distractions by Gaining Their Attention EDCI 628-018 3
Response to Intervention (RTI):? A Roadmap for Successful Classroom Implementation EDCI 628-019 3
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL): Integrating and Measuring Essential Skills in the Traditional and Virtual Classrooms EDCI 628-020 3
Social and Emotional Learning: Promoting Positive Mental Health Across the Curriculum EDCI 628-021 3
Social Media and Digital Citizenship in Education EDCI 628-022 3
Strategies to Improve Schoolwide Health and Wellness EDCI 628-023 3
Student-Centered Classrooms: A Constructivist Approach EDCI 628-024 3
Technology Tools for the Digital Teacher EDCI 628-025 3
The Blended/Flipped Learning Classroom EDCI 628-026 3
The Bullying Conundrum: A Journey from Awareness to Activism EDCI 628-027 3
The Chromebook Classroom: Google Apps and Productivity Tools for Classroom Collaboration EDCI 628-028 3
The Differentiated Classroom: Creating Pathways for All Learners to Succeed EDCI 628-029 3
The Google Infused Teacher: Advanced Applications of Google Classroom and Chrome EDCI 628-030 3
The Growth Mindset and Appreciative Inquiry: Getting the Best from Your Students and Getting Them to Believe in Themselves EDCI 628-031 3
Trauma, Stress, and Anxiety in Schools: Finding Hope and Building Resilience EDCI 628-032 3
Working with Challenging Parents: How to Connect and Create a Team Approach EDCI 628-033 3
Introduction to the Differentiated Classroom EDCI 628-034 1
Strategies to Support ADHD Students in the Classroom EDCI 628-035 1
Teaching in a Multicultural Classroom EDCI 628-036 1
Autism Mindsets for Educators EDCI 628-037 3
Cultivating Mathematical Mindsets & Reducing Math Anxiety EDCI 628-038 3
Embracing Digital Transformation to Increase Student Engagement & Support All Learners EDCI 628-039 3
Leveraging Teachable Moments to Develop Soft Skills for K-12 Students EDCI 628-040 3
Rethinking Student Thinking to Improve Student Learning EDCI 628-041 3
Anxiety Awareness EDCI 628-042 3
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging in Education (DEIB) EDCI 628-043 3
Embracing GRIT EDCI 628-044 3
Phonics and Beyond: Foundational Literacy Skills Across Grade Levels EDCI 628-045 3
Swipe Generation EDCI 628-046 3
Navigating Anxiety EDCI 628-047 1
Addressing the Needs of Students with Learning Disabilites and other Neurodivergent Conditions in the Classroom EDCI 628-048 3
Empowering Educators: Strategies for Motiviating, "I Won't, I can't, I Quit" Students EDCI 628-049 3
Strengthening Family-Student Relationships to Change the School Experience EDCI 628-050 3
Supporting Vulnerable Students and Struggling Learners EDCI 628-051 3
Teaching Tolerance and Thoughtfulness through Self-Reflection and Acknowledging Differences EDCI 628-052 3
Bridging AI and Education to Drive Student Achievement EDCI 628-053 3
VESi is committed to developing online education courses for professionals that are convenient, relevant, and affordable. Convenient because these interactive courses provide expert instruction at a pace that fits your schedule and are compatible on all devices. Relevant to the significant educational and social issues in today’s schools, as well as to the requirements you need to meet for re-licensure or career advancement. Affordable because the format allows VESi to keep quality high and prices low.


To enroll visit VESi.

Course Title Course Number Credits
Advanced Classroom Management EDCI 635-001 2
Building Community Schools EDCI 635-005 2
Early Childhood: Program Planning EDCI 635-008 3
Early Childhood: Family Centered Services EDCI 635-009 2
Early Childhood: Observation & Assessment EDCI 635-010 3
Early Childhood: Typical & Atypical Development EDCI 635-011 3
Educational Assessment EDCI 635-012 2
English Language Learner: Evaluation & Assessment EDCI 635-013 3
English Language Learner: Language Acquisition EDCI 635-014 3
English Language Learner: Linguistics EDCI 635-015 3
English Language Learner: Methods & Materials EDCI 635-016 3
Inclusion: Working with Students with Special Needs in General Education Classrooms EDCI 635-018 2
Reading & Writing in Content Area EDCI 635-021 2
Reading Fundamentals #1 EDCI 635-022 2
Reading Fundamentals #2 EDCI 635-023 2
Reading Fundamentals #3 EDCI 635-024 3
Six Traits of Writing Model EDCI 635-026 2
Teaching Diversity EDCI 635-028 2
Teaching Elementary Math Conceptually EDCI 635-029 2
Teaching Secondary Math Conceptually EDCI 635-030 3
Try DI!: Planning and Preparing EDCI 635-032 3
Understanding & Implementing Common Core Standards EDCI 635-033 3
Why DI? An Introduction to Differentiate Instruction EDCI 635-036 3



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