Bill Habenicht

Bill Habenicht

Bill Habenicht

Title: Professor Emeritus
Office Location: Physical Therapy 131
Phone: (269) 471-6061


B.S. Loma Linda University
M.A. University of Southern California
R.R.T. University of Chicago
M.P.H. Loma Linda University


Prior to coming to Andrews University Professor Habenicht spent 11 years in clinical practice, 5 years teaching in Loma Linda University’s PT Education Program, and 6 years in Rehabilitation and Hospital Administration. Ten of these years involved the establishment of Physical and Respiratory Therapy clinical services in SDA mission health-care in Puerto Rico. While there Bill refined his skills with Spanish as a second language.

Andrews University’s new Physical Therapy Education Program initiated graduate entry-level for  P.T. Education (MSPT) in the State of Michigan. This was later duplicated with a second Andrews University (satellite)  P.T. Education program in the State of Ohio in 1993, (MPT). At this time Wayne Perry was hired and given Program Director responsibility for the Michigan program. Daryl Stuart was hired as Program Director for the new satellite program in Ohio. Bill continued as Department Chair. Ten years later under their respective leadership both program curricula were successfully transitioned to the new Doctoral (DPT) level.

Bill was active in membership and leadership rolls in local, state, and national professional and educational organizations and was granted Honorary Life-Membership by both the Michigan and the national American Physical Therapy Associations.


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