Program Competencies and Outcomes
The Doctor of Ministry program seeks to develop the person, knowledge, and practice of its students. While the program is structured around certain areas of concentration, there are learning outcomes and educational objectives we expect for all students.
DMin Program Learning Outcomes
Critically reflect on, articulate, and apply biblically based principles and values for excellence in mission and ministry.
Conduct research and implement an intervention in response to ministry challenges and trends in a glocal context, related to the primary field of service.
Integrate knowledge and skills acquired into an effective ministry practice and evaluate the resultant impact on one’s personal experience and ministry.
Primary Educational Objectives
Seek deeper biblical Christ-like spirituality.
Experience enrichment of personal and family life.
Intensify commitment to ministry.
Develop an Adventist perspective of discipleship, evangelism, mission, and ministry.
Acquire exceptional theoretical knowledge that contributes to advanced ministry.
Foster a holistic view of society and its needs.
Articulate theological and theoretical understandings that advance global ministry.
Understand the biblical model of servant leadership.
Enhance the ability to evaluate ministerial practice through theological reflection.
Use appropriate tools to analyze the needs of churches and communities.
Refine skills that facilitate more effective ministry.
Reiinforce habits of study that contribute to lifelong learning.