MAPM Curriculum

The MA in Pastoral Ministry degree requires students take a total of 48 credits:

Practical & Applied Theology  (12)

PATH 523 Worship: Word and Music (3) Offered only during the summer on Andrews campus and        recommended to be taken with DSRE 541-Foundations of Biblical Spirituality during the first year of the program.

Church History (6)

CHIS 505 Survey of Church History (3)
CHIS 574 History of Seventh-day Adventist Theology (3)


Discipleship and Lifespan Education (9)

DSLE 534 Ministry to Youth and Young Adults (3)
DSLE 541 Foundations of Biblical Spirituality (3) Offered only during the summer on Andrews campus*


New Testament (6)

Choose one of the following courses:

Old Testament (6)

Choose one of the following courses:
Choose one of the following courses:
OTST 546 Studies in Daniel (3)
OTST 556 Studies in Prophets (English) (3)

Theology and Christian Philosophy (6)

GSEM 530: Doctrine of the Sanctuary (3)

Choose one of the following:
Systematic Theology course (topic options) (3)
Historical Theology course (topic options) (3)


World Mission (3)

*These classes are also taught in Canada

Total Credits for the MA Degree:48