Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology

Photo by Constance Gane, 2009.
Program Outcomes
A student who graduates from the PhD Archaeology program will:
Know the history, methods, and theories of archaeology.
Know the material culture and history of the Biblical, Ancient Near Eastern, and Mediterranean world.
Apply knowledge of the material remains to an understanding of Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern contexts.
Demonstrate the skills to conduct all phases of field work, including follow-up analyses and presentation and publication of findings.
Each student chooses an area of concentration and a cognate:
Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology
Ancient Near Eastern History
Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology
Ancient Near Eastern Languages
Fieldwork, Method and Theory
Biblical Archaeology
Biblical History
Biblical Archaeology
Ancient Near Eastern Languages
Fieldwork, Method and Theory
Biblical Archaeology (if the major concentration is Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology)
Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology (if the major concentration is Biblical Archaeology)
Ancient Near Eastern Languages
Old Testament
New Testament
Church History
Theology and Christian Philosophy
World Mission
Consult the bulletin for more information
Apply for admission
Program handbook