Campus Chaplaincy Emphasis

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Required Courses for the Degree

Prerequisite GSEM525 - The Bible & Biblical History
Or Pass Bible Knowledge Entrance Test (with 80% +)
1 credit
Core Courses DSLE541 - Foundations of Biblical Spirituality
CHIS574 - History of SDA Theology 
PATH523 - Worship: Word & Music
Two Courses in OT/NT Studies
Two courses in Theology
One course in Christian Ministry
One Course in World Mission
18 credits
Emphasis Courses DSLE534 - Min to Youth & Young Adults
DSLE507 - Introduction to Chaplaincy Ministry
DSLE564 - Adv Youth & Young Adult MIn Leadership
DSLE608 - Youth & Young Adults in Contemporary Culture
DSLE610 - Teaching for Discipleship
DSLE620 - Scholarly & Professional Development 
DSLE636 - Seminar in Youth Ministry/Campus chaplaincy credits/Units: 2
DSLE656 - Counseling Youth and Young Adults
DSLE660 - Field Practicum: YYAM
DSLE664 - Advanced Campus Ministry
DSLE669 - Reaching the Secular Mind
PATH632 - Contextualized Preaching
28 credits 
Elective Courses Choose five credits from the following Courses:
DSLE503 - Marriage, Family & Interpersonal Relationships
DSLE615 - The Pastor & the Adventist School
DSLE626 - Ministry to At-Risk Youth
DSLE636 - Seminar in Youth Ministry
DSLE651 - Foundations of Biblical Counseling
DSLE659 - Human Sexuality
PATH616 - Spirituality in Ministry
PATH536 - Personal Evangelistic Ministry
PATH553 - The Church & Social Issues
PATH555 - Pastoral Counseling
PATH656 - Holistic Small Groups
DSLE690 - Independent Study:_______ (To tailor program to specific ministry needs, only after advisor approval)
PATH574 - Perspectives in Church Marketing
2 credits
  Total   48 credits