Records which should be transferred to the University Archives include, but are not limited to:
Administrative activities
Administrative files, correspondence, and topical files of offices, organizations, administrators, and leaders at all levels.
Audio-visual materials, including electronic media, recordings and photographs
Personnel-related records, including search and promotion files
Records documenting departmental and office reviews and reports
Self-studies, reports, and site visit reports for professional and institutional accreditation processes
Development files, fund-raising, alumni contacts
Committees, boards, and councils
Agendas and minutes, with attachments
Committee records, (e.g. curriculum and special events)
Mission statement, terms of reference, and/or charge to the committee
Substantive correspondence
Reports by the committee
News releases and public statements
Student Records: Includes student records developed or maintained by Admissions, Academic Records, Student Financial Services, Student Life, and all other University offices. May include evaluations of undergraduate and graduate students relating to issues of professional competence and comply with legal requirements, including FERPA regulations.
Electronic media, recordings, and photographs of administrative officers, faculty, staff, students, and guests, of special occasions and events.
Activity schedules from organizations and offices
Charts/names of officers and participants in scheduled events
Publications, public statements, news releases, newsletters, and information pieces, including the following, should be sent to the Center for Adventist Research (CAR)
Publications of the Andrews University Press
Student publications, weekly or annually, such as Student Movement, Cardinal, Cast
Official publications, including FOCUS, Bulletin(s), annual Class Schedule Bulletin, promotional literature for public relations, fund-raising, or recruitment purposes
Professional journals published by the various schools and components of the University
Occasional papers and publications initiated by institutes, offices or individuals, such as Shabbat Shalom, Siegfried Horn Festschrift
Records which should not be transferred to the Archives, but which should be discarded when their administrative use is completed include:
Correspondence and administrative files documenting routine activities such as room scheduling, travel plans, etc.
Duplicate items
Routine financial records not generated by the office
Documents distributed widely to University offices but not generated by the office
Non-University printed material received by the office and retained temporarily as a reference file