The following Section includes publication by IPA Faculty in peer reviewed scientific journals. One of the major goals of the IPA is to publish our research findings in major journals in the Addiction field focused on epidemiology of health risk behavior, correlates of prevention and cessation, program evaluation and policy. IPA research has been published in such journals as the American Journal of Public Health, Journal of Drug Sexual Medicine, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, Health Service Research, The Medical Journal of Australia and the Journal of Drug Issues. In the last year IPA publications and presentation were downloaded by over 3,000 individuals, according to Andrews University Digital Commons. While scholars in the United States downloaded a majority of articles, scholars in China were second most represented. This demons trates the global impact of IPA research. While the IPA has been in existence and published its research findings since 1985, we only list publications for the last five years.
Publications for the Faith-based/Community
List of Recent Faith-based/Community Publications
IPA research activity always results in a report to the funding agency. While these reports are turned into presentations and publications, the reports often contain much more data/information than can be contained in a publication or presentation. For those interested in more research detail, we list major research reports the IPA has submitted over the last five years.