If you have a credit on your account, please submit a Refund Request form.
Please note:
After Add/Drop; if enrollment, academic, & aid requirements are met, financial aid will post.
Refunds will not be issued without a credit balance. Check your account online in TouchNet.
Selecting Full Refund will zero out your account. Subsequent charges will be due & payable.
Cash withdrawals & refunds are limited to 3 per semester. Please bring photo ID when picking up a check or making a withdrawal.
As the popularity of mobile banking apps rises, please be aware of your bank's deposit limit for checks.
Some banks will not accept mobile deposits in large amounts.
If you have a large credit, you may need to make your deposit in person or request an eRefund.
Processing times:
eRefunds can take @ 2 full business days to post to bank accounts.
Available to US, non-commercial accounts. Fund availability times may vary. Allow for bank holidays.
Refund checks are usually available within 3-5 working days.
AU Housing rent transfers take a minimum of 5 working days to post. Without sufficient processing time, SFS is not responsible for late fees charged.
E-refunds are fast & easy!
Set up or confirm your Refund Profile information in TouchNet. Refund Profile Setup Instructions
Request your refund, select eRefund in Step 3.