About Me
Online Courses
Competency Resources
Leadership Program
School of Education
Andrews University

Family : Interests : Vitae
Here we are with our three fantastic children; Nels, Darren and Janine. We don't get to see each other often with Nels in Arizona, Darren in Manitoba, Canada, and Janine in Michigan. |
Husband Allan
a wonderfully moderating influence in my life!! Together we have travelled the world and enjoyed many challenges and opportunities. |
Janine and James - Janine works at Berrien Regional Education Service Agency as an Instruction Technology Consultant and James works for Andrews as a PC support manager. You know they each have their own computer at home!! |
Darren and Kristy - living in Winnipeg, Manitoba where Darren is doing a cardiac surgeon and Kristy homeschools their three wonderful boys. |