Dietetic Internship with MS Nutrition and Wellness

Clinical Internship with Plant-Based Focus

Virtual Open House:

February 11th, 5 pm EST

February 12th, 12pm (noon) EST

*To arrange a virtual open house outside of the above dates, please contact DI Program director, Professor Sherri Isaak at
Please register at:
Zoom link:
Andrews University has a clinical dietetic internship with a plant-based focus. We have an optional online MS in Nutrition and Wellness which can be taken with or without the internship. Our sites are throughout the country and include: IL, MI, IN, OH, FL, GA, TX and more!  We would love to have you join us for fall of 2025!




Dietetic Internship with Optional  MS in Nutrition and Wellness

The Andrews University Dietetic Internship (DI) Program is a post-baccalaureate, supervised practice program that qualifies graduates to take the examination to become a Registered Dietitian. Students who have successfully completed a Bachelor's degree and receive a DPD verification statement from an ACEND-accredited program may apply for this hands-on experience. Starting in fall 2023, interns will also need to:

1) Be in the process of completing a graduate degree,

2) Have enrolled in a graduate degree before starting the DI or

3) Have previously completed a graduate degree in order to start the DI.


Program Highlights:

  • The internship is an 9-month supervised practice program that is conducted at affiliated hospital, community and food service sites located across the U.S.  An orientation pre-test is held virtually at the beginning of August, Andrews University on-site orientation is conducted mid-August, and rotations start at the end of August. The internship concludes at the end of April. 
  • Beginning January 1, 2024, completing the dietetic internship, as well as a graduate degree, will be required for those seeking to become eligible for the registration examination for dietitians.
  • Qualified students may also enroll in the online MS in Nutrition and Wellness program 
  • The DI program has a medical nutrition therapy (clinical) concentration with a plant-based/vegetarian focus.


Program Composition:

  • Students must complete the application and acceptance process.
  • Accepted applicants enroll in a full-time program requiring 32 hours of participation per week based on program calendar. 
  • The program is comprised of a three-day orientation at Andrews University, 5 months of clinical nutrition, 2 months of foodservice management, and 1 month of community nutrition. 
  • The program goals reflect the major points of our philosophy: quality instruction with broad-based training concurrent with ongoing supervision, feedback, and evaluation.
  • Each rotation contains a series of competencies, objectives, activities, and assignments that must be completed in order to receive credit for the hours completed.
  • The majority of rotations are found for the intern. Exceptions include community elective, clinical elective, certain specialty rotations and occasionally other rotations, if needed.  
  • Formal evaluations will be conducted at the end of most rotations, and will indicate whether or not the intern has successfully completed the competencies and objectives for that particular rotation. Intern progress will be evaluated throughout the internship and there will be a formal evaluation between the intern and site coordinator at midterm and again at the end of the program.
  • All interns will complete at least 1016 supervised practice hours.
  • Bi-Weekly reports completed by interns are sent to uploaded to the learning management system to monitor intern progress and compliance with all policies.
  • At the successful completion of all program requirements, interns are eligible for a Dietetic Internship verification statement and their name, along with other required documentation, will be submitted to the CDR to sit for the Registration Examination for Dietitians. Beginning January 1, 2024, a graduate degree will be the minimum degree requirement for those seeking to become eligible for the registration examination for dietitians.            



The Andrews University Dietetic Internship is currently accredited by the: Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND)

120 South Riverside Plaza
Suite 2190
Chicago, IL  60606-6995
Phone: (312) 899-5400



Do you want more info? Have questions? Want to schdule a meeting the the Internship Director? 

Contact: Sherri Isaak, MS,RD,CDE,BC-ADM

Department of Public Health, Nutrition and Wellness

Director, Dietetics Internship

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