Who Our Students Appreciate

Read shout outs for Andrews University faculty and staff appreciated by our online students around the globe.


I’d like to recognize professor Gavin Anthony of my Christian Discipleship class. I’m taking away with me some serious tools that will improve my overall effectiveness as a future Pastor and Disciple. I was the only one in this section this summer so it made for a more personal touch.  I learned a lot and will be forever grateful! 
(Andrew Van Deursen, in USA)

I am thankful for the way professor Anthony took the time to connect with us students on a weekly basis. These one hour zoom talks were the highlight of this online class. Exploring discipleship on a personal level and relating it to the present challenges we face was very helpful.
(Daniel Pel, in Norway)



Beyond grateful for Prof Daniel Duffis’ World Religions course and his genuine, caring spirit. It means everything to have a teacher invested in his students’ total welfare - even if it is just an online summer course! Blessings and many thanks!
(Melissa Osadchuck, in USA)

Thanks to professor Duffis, teaching World Religions, for always being available in time of need and having patience for students like me who are new to Andrews University!
(Brianna Young, in USA)



Dr Jean Cadet was very attentive to personal issues such as accommodations and directing me to people from Andrews University who could help me. All their contributions and assistance really meant a lot to me and probably other students in the PST zone. May God continue to bless you all! (Anonymous, in USA)


Gibbs Prouty

I am thankful for Kari Gibbs Prouty, my Leadership Professor.  Every time we meet she asks what I would like prayer over.  She has been such a wonderful person to study with and learn from, and I appreciate her energetic and contagious positivity.
(Raeann Long, in USA)



I am very thankful for my teachers Beverly Romero and Ray McAllister without whom I would not have the progress I have in the class. They are very helpful.
(Julieta Messele, in Angola)


My ENGL 115 Writing Zoom meetings were incredibly beneficial. I could ask questions, seek clarification, and truly feel a sense of connection with my professor. It created a supportive learning environment and made me feel more involved in the course.



I would like to give a quick shout out to Professor Susan Singer, with whom I am doing FTES 138 Cardio Development. When I registered for classes this Summer, I had no idea that I would be homeschooling amidst a pandemic. I missed a deadline on one of my assignments and only found out a week later. I apologized and was ready for any kind of grades and response from her. However, she surprisingly was graceful to me. I was truly touched by what she did. She put a smile on my face.
(Sylvana Ramhit-Randriamialison, in USA)


Student Services

I would like to thank those in Admissions and the tech support department for helping me to resolve a registration problem. I would also like to express my appreciation for the support and timely replies of my professor Brad Sheppard. I feel that Dr. Bradfield went the extra mile for me. When Dr. Bradfield prayed with and for me, I knew that I was in the right school. Thank you again, Dr. Bradfield!

Every department that I contacted via email replied to me promptly, even the financial department.
(Mary Wheet, in USA)



I would like to express my profound gratitude to Dr. Amanda McGuire-Moushon for her exceptional support and words of encouragement that has helped me to complete HIST 117 Civilizations & Ideas I. I was a bit late to register then couldn't get the required textbook so I wanted to withdraw. However, she promised to do all she could to help me to succeed… This is the course I have really enjoyed the most!!! May the Lord continue to bless her!
(Sampson Sarfo, in Netherlands)


Ade-Oshifogun & Harrison

I am incredibly thankful to Dr. Bea and Barb for being in my life.  Dr. Bea's positive outlook and personality, as she simply told me what the RN-BSN program consisted of, emitted a sense of drive and confidence that immediately drew my attention.  Barb brought on a sense that I am in the right place of my nursing career.  All the more I felt supported while she was my nursing advisor and my leadership instructor. Her steadfast guidance moved me forward throughout the program.  
(Vienna Pajarillo)


Add a Shout Out

Give a gift by writing a thank you for a positive Andrews University experience made possible through an online course instructor, tech or student support professional.  Email onlinestudents@andrews.edu, including your name, the class(es) you took with the person appreciated, and why this was such a memorable learning adventure.



The Environmental Science labs make for a very interactive class. I had never had to get out as much as I did for this class. I enjoyed it, honestly. Professor Rice was good at keeping in touch and making things interesting. 



Professor Wells is knowledgeable and motivated me to learn more about the Old Testament in RELB 111.



Professor Palmer's lectures were presented in an interesting way and the material itself was very inspiring. The RELP 240 Personal Witnessing interactive online course did not feel like it was completely online.



Professor Gallos kept me fully engaged while watching his RELH 400 lectures. Also, the Adventist History and Heritage material was well-organized and easy to follow.



Professor Galenieks responded quickly and was understanding. He was very kind and prayed for me. Feedback on RELT 250 assignments was helpful and complemented the learning of the content.



Our PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology class discussion questions made the conversations with classmates and instructor Sarah Baze great!



Dr Fenner was straightforward in what he wanted on assignments. Discussions required much interaction and thought, which made them inspiring. The HIST 117 lesson videos were informational, interesting, & modern. I liked that we covered a wide range of history across
continents and compared ideas or beliefs to a Christian perspective.

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