PhD Comprehensive Exams

Early in their program, students should obtain a copy of the Comprehensive Examination Guidelines from the Discipleship and Lifespan Education office.

All prerequisites and regular course requirements of 48 credits or more must be completed before the student sits for the comprehensive examination. The comprehensive examination consists of eight sections, one of which may be given in a take home format, one of which may be a portfolio presentation, and six of which must be written in a supervised environment. The examination occurs on the dates published in the academic calendar for School of Education doctoral comprehensive examinations.
Formal application to take the comprehensive examination should be made by the beginning of the semester preceding the semester the student intends to take the examination.
For more detailed information regarding the comprehensive examination, see the Discipleship in Lifespan Education Doctoral Handbook.




A. Curriculum and Instruction

Curriculum 01
Curriculum 02

B. Education and Philosophy

Education 01
Education 02
Philosophy Timeline

C. Religious Education

Religious Education 01
Religious Education 02
Religious Educaiton 03
Religious Education 04
Knowledge Base
The Fate of Fish

D. Research and Evaluation

EDRM 611
Multiple Regression
Binary Logistic Regression
2-Way Factorial ANOVA
Glossary 01
Glossary 02

E. Spiritual Formation and Discipleship

Spiritual Formation

F. Teaching and Learning Theory

Teaching and Learning
Religious Maturity
Intellectual Development
Experiential Learning History

G. Theology

Theology 01
Theology 02


Students should apply for advancement to degree candidacy when they apply to take comprehensive examinations and after they have:
• completed all prerequisites
• removed any English language deficiency
• completed all course requirements or are registered for them
• removed all deferred grades, except in DSRE 878 - Advanced Scholarly and Professional Development and DSRE 950 - Synthesis in Religious Education

The student is advanced to degree candidacy after passing the comprehensive examination



Juvenal Balisasa



List of Books for Comprehensive Exams



(Please contact the DSLE Department if you would like for your portfolio presentation to be used as an example above or if you have recommendations about books that should be included in the list of proposed books for comprehensive exams.)