Before you can start work, you are required to complete all relevant paperwork. If you would like, you may print, complete, and bring the forms to the Employment Office at the Human Resources department on the second floor of the Administration Building. Otherwise, the forms will be available for you when you arrive at the Employment Office.
For benefit-eligible employees, please review the Employee Class & Benefits section to see the benefits applicable to your employment class, indicated in your employee hire letter. Additional information regarding these benefits can be found under Benefits Overview.
We encourage you to visit the Current Benefit Plan Year page to review important information such as:
IMPORTANT: Employees eligible for health coverage will be automatically enrolled in the high deductible health plan (employee coverage only) if no other election is made by the 30th day of employment. Health plan election, including adding dependents, or the election of other applicable benefits, must be completed through the online benefit management system (bswift) within 30 days of eligibility.
In addition, we offer a health plan premium reward for the benefit year* to newly eligible employees. In order to qualify, you (and your qualifying spouse, where applicable) must sign an online form attesting that you have read and understood the Employee Benefits Guide (you may have multiple guides depending on the time of year you begin employment). Please click HERE to log in and complete this requirement.
Note: The reward will be applied to your health plan premium from the first day of your eligibility, if the enrollment and assessment is completed within same 30 days that you have to make your benefit elections. Otherwise, the reward will be applied the first of the following month after completion.
*Each benefit plan year begins July 1 and ends June 30