Kids and Media

Our children are constantly being bombarded with information and media from TV, smartphones, computers, and tables.
Consequence from Media Over Exposure
Sleep Disturbances
Loneliness and Depression
Cyberbullying and Aggression
Academic Problem
Other Behavior and Cognitive problems
Tips to Cut Down on Screen Time
Model Healthy “Media Diets”
Make a Media Plan
Limit Entertainment Screen Time to Less Than 1-2 hours per day
For Children under 2, Discourage Screen Media Exposure
No Media or Phone 1 Hour Before Bed to Decrease Sleep Disturbance
Keep Televisions, Computers, Cell Phones, and Tablets out of Children’s Rooms
The Presence of Media Devices in Bedrooms Increasing Viewing
Use your DVR and Parental controls
Monitor what your Children are Using and Accessing (including Social Networks)
Don’t eat front of the TV
Encourage Active Play
Promote Family Activities
Promote Extracurricular Activities
2 Timothy 1:7 “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”