Megan and Melody Portrait
Megan and Melody, two good friends of mine, asked me if I would
take pictures of them to give to their parents for Christmas.
I agreed and we started shooting pictures in the Girl's Dorm Chapel.
The shoot went surpisingly well as they were very good and posing
and working together. I, however, had much difficulty in getting
the photos to turn out well in the dim lighting. The final turned
out pretty well, but if you absolutely MUST CHECK OUT THE ORIGINAL!
The Original
Intro to
Photography Class
Finally, with the move to college here my Freshman year, I had
the opportunity to take a photography class. I seemed, however,
to be cused with bad luck from the first day of class right up
till the last day. It was really unfortunate since I had looked
forward to it for so long. For instance a variety of factors kept
me from being able to acquire a film camera. So I always had to
borrow someone else's after they were done, usually giving me
only a half hour to shoot an entire roll or two of pictures. Things
picked up slightly once we moved to digital since I could use
my own camera.
Film Projects

Portrait Project

3 Part Series

To The Galleries