Elvis Portrait
My photo class eventually moved to digital and I was thrilled. Our first project was to photograph people. Poor Elvis knocked on my door at the worst possible moment. I had my camera in hand and was pondering who I would shoot for this assignment. This was the first photo I snapped for the project.

See The Original

Intro to Photography Class
Finally, with the move to college here my Freshman year, I had the opportunity to take a photography class. I seemed, however, to be cused with bad luck from the first day of class right up till the last day. It was really unfortunate since I had looked forward to it for so long. For instance a variety of factors kept me from being able to acquire a film camera. So I always had to borrow someone else's after they were done, usually giving me only a half hour to shoot an entire roll or two of pictures. Things picked up slightly once we moved to digital since I could use my own camera.

Film Projects

Portrait Project

3 Part Series

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