The Solemn Sitting Pose
As the head RA my senior year, I was responsible to make sure
everyone was in bed at the appropriate time. This meant that I
was always the last to go to bed. I often wandered the halls till
the wee hours of the morning. There was one outside light that
lit up the 2nd floor lobby at night. The shadows always intrigued
me so I set up a tripod around 1:00 one night and quick snapped
this pic. Looking at it now I really should have dodged and burned
and bit. (This one wasn't handed out as a senior picture.)
The Original
So my parents refused to pay for my senior pictures. Since they
cost anywhere from $300-$700 there was no way I was just gonna
go out and hire a professional. So I opted to take them myself.
If anyone else happens to find them in this situation I would
highly recommend just shelling out the cash for a professional
to do them. Believe me, it would be far less stressful. Because
of a lack any good ideas I ended up procrastinating till the night
before I needed a picture for the yearbook. I stared shooting
around 2:00AM the day it was due. All the rest I slowly took as
my fellow students kept insisting that they wanted a senior picture
from me.

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