The White Wall Pose
A friend wanted some pictures of himself to give to his girlfriend. So agreed to shoot a few quick pictures after Vespers one Friday night while he was still dressed up. Unfortunately, despite my trying instructions, he could not seem to get settled in a nice pose. I starting to loose my patience so I set my camera's timer again and took this quick shot of myself demonstrating a simple pose. My goal was to prove that he pose virtually however he like and make it work. When I looked through the pictures again later on my computer I noticed the one of me and thought, "Ah heck, that looks good enough. I'll throw that one in the pile too." It was by far the easiest photo in my collection and probably the most popular among the other students as well.

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Senior Pics
So my parents refused to pay for my senior pictures. Since they cost anywhere from $300-$700 there was no way I was just gonna go out and hire a professional. So I opted to take them myself. If anyone else happens to find them in this situation I would highly recommend just shelling out the cash for a professional to do them. Believe me, it would be far less stressful. Because of a lack any good ideas I ended up procrastinating till the night before I needed a picture for the yearbook. I stared shooting around 2:00AM the day it was due. All the rest I slowly took as my fellow students kept insisting that they wanted a senior picture from me.

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