The Gorgeous Garage Pose
In my constant search for unique settings for my pictures, I experimented taking photos in the garage. I was fascinated one day by the unique light and color that filled the garage. Setting a tripod up on the workbench was able to set the timer and go to work.

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Senior Pics
So my parents refused to pay for my senior pictures. Since they cost anywhere from $300-$700 there was no way I was just gonna go out and hire a professional. So I opted to take them myself. If anyone else happens to find them in this situation I would highly recommend just shelling out the cash for a professional to do them. Believe me, it would be far less stressful. Because of a lack any good ideas I ended up procrastinating till the night before I needed a picture for the yearbook. I stared shooting around 2:00AM the day it was due. All the rest I slowly took as my fellow students kept insisting that they wanted a senior picture from me.

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