Constituency Meeting Agenda
Andrews University
Constituency Meeting
October 16, 2005
Call to Order, Prayer and Welcome Gerry Karst
Roll Call GK
Devotional Jan Paulsen
Approval of Minutes of October 5, 2000 Meeting GK
Revision of the Corporation By-Laws GK
Recess for Appointment of the Nominating Committee by Caucus GK
(See “Announcements” page for caucus locations)
Report of the University President Niels-Erik Andreasen
Convening of the Nominating Committee GK
(Nominating Committee members will meet in Rm. 108)
Reports of the University
Academic Life ………………………………Patricia Mutch
University Finances and Advancement……..Edward Wines & David Faehner
Report of the Auditors…………………..Plante & Moran PLLC
Student Life…………………………………Stephen Payne, Frances Faehner & Ronald Whitehead
Report from the Nominating Committee JP
Election of the Trustees GK
Prayer of Dedication JP
Adjournment GK
* Please be reminded that at Noon, or directly after the adjournment of the meeting (whichever is later), there will be a dedication of the Campus Ministries space in the Campus Center. Delegates and guests are encouraged to attend.