How to Vote Out-of-State

Things to Consider

As an out-of-state student, you can choose to register either in your school state or your home state (but never both). When making this decision, you may want to consider the following.

Local Issues and Candidates
If there are issues or candidates on the ballot in your home state or school district that you care about, you may wish to register there.
Voter Registration and Absentee Ballot Deadlines
Every state has its own election laws and deadlines. Plan well in advance, so that you don't miss the opportunity to vote in your preferred location.
Swing State/Battleground State Status
You may decide your vote has more of an impact if you cast it in one location (home or school) versus the other.
Ease of Absentee Voting
If obtaining an absentee ballot for your home state is not feasible or too complicated, you may prefer to register in your school state, instead.
Post-Graduation Plans
If you plan to move back to your home state after graduation, you may decide to register and vote there. This allows you to see the long-term impact of your votes in local elections and saves you the hassle of changing your registration later.

State Student Voter Guides 

CLICK ON the Campus Vote logo to access a State Student Voter Guide that includes everything you need to know about voting in your home state:
  • Registration Deadlines and Election Dates
  • Official Election Websites
  • Register at School or Home
  • What Type of ID Do I Need to Register?
  • What Type of ID Do I Need to Vote?
  • Where Do I Vote?
  • How Can I Vote?
  • Common Questions/Concerns


OR CLICK ON the Rock the Vote logo to access similar state-by-state information and lots of other helpful resources for students:

  • Who Can Register
  • Election Day Registration
  • Pre-Registration
  • Where to Vote
  • Vote by Mail and Absentee Voting
  • Early Voting
  • Voter ID Requirements
  • Additional Voting Resources