Church Ministry Publications

Bell, Skip, DMin
Professor of Christian Ministry

“Farming in the City!” Current 3 (Summer 2015): 33–36.

“The Last Generation: How the Advent Hope Defines Us.” Ministry 87, nos. 7/8 (July–August 2015): 26–29.

“Managing Church Conflict.” Seminar presented at the Called: North American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June 30, 2015.

Dudley, Roger L, EdD
Professor of Church Ministry, Emeritus

“The Ordination of Women in Light of the Character of God.” Pages 351–363 in Women and Ordination: Biblical and Historical Studies. Edited by John W. Reeve. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2015.

Evans, Tom L., DMin
Assistant Professor of Church Planting

“Called to Plant” and “Adventist Leadership: Conformed or Transformed.” Seminar presentations for administrators and departmental directors. Pocos de Caldas, Minas Gerais, Brazil, August 24–26, 2015.

“Church Planting/Forerunner for Evangelism.” Seminar presented at the Called: North American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June 30, 2015.

“Empowering Leadership.” Seminar presented at the Natural Church Development Training. Riga, Latvia, September 27, 2015.

“Growing Others through Coaching.” Seminar presented at the Natural Church Development Training. Riga, Latvia, September 28, 2015.

“Introduction to Natural Church Development’s Eight Quality Characteristics.” Seminar presented at the Natural Church Development Training. Riga, Latvia, September 27, 2015.

“The Key Factor to Adventist Church Growth.” Seminar presented at the Natural Church Development Training. Riga, Latvia, September 27, 2015.

“A Movement Must Have Momentum.” Co-authored with Jose Cortes Jr. Adventist Review Online (December 29, 2015): n.p. Cited on 14 January 2016.  Online:

“A Movement Must Have Momentum.” Co-authored with Jose Cortes Jr. North American Division Ministerial Online. No pages. Cited on 14 January 2016. Online:

“National Missionaries: Solid Answer for the Abundant Harvest.” News from ASAP Ministries—Advocates for Southeast Asians and the Persecuted (First Quarter 2016): 2–3.

“New Refugee Friends for Seminary Students.” News from ASAP Ministries—Advocates for Southeast Asians and the Persecuted (First Quarter 2016): 8–9.

“Planting More SEEDS.” North American Division Ministerial Online. No pages. Cited on 14 January 2016. Online:

“The Power of a Question.” Seminar presented at the Natural Church Development Training. Riga, Latvia, September 28, 2015.

“Red Carpet Service.” Seminar presented at the Natural Church Development Training. Riga, Latvia, September 27, 2015.

“SEEDS Conferences Best Practices, Presenters and Future Schedule.” Seminar presented at the 2015 Church Planting Coordinator’s Retreat. Niles, MI, October 21, 2015.

“The State of Church Planting in North America and Keys to Multiplication.” Seminar presented at the 2015 Church Planting Coordinator’s Retreat. Niles, MI, October 19, 2015.

“Steps to Church Planting.” Seminar presented to pastors and administrators of the East Sao Paulo Conference. Sao Paulo, Brazil, August 20, 2015.

“Steps to Church Planting.” Seminar presented to pastors and administrators of the Campinas Conference. Campinas, Brazil, August 21, 2015.

“Top Bar Strength.” Seminar presented at the Natural Church Development Training. Riga, Latvia, September 29, 2015.

Kidder, S. Joseph, DMin
Professor of Christian Ministry

“Balancing a Busy Life.”  Ministry (May 2015): 21–23.

“A Christian Perspective on Watching Secular TV Programming.” Co-authored with David Penno. Pages 60–66 in Reach the World: Healthy Families for Eternity. Edited by Willie Oliver and Elaine Oliver. Silver Spring, MD: Department of Family Ministries, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 2015.

“A Church Filled with God’s Grace and Love.”  Ministry (October 2015): 30.

“Équilibrer une vie chargée.” French Ministry (May 2015). No pages. Cited 4 January 2016. Online:

“Escape from Iraq, Part 1.” Guide (January 3, 2015): 5–9.

“Escape from Iraq, Part 2.” Guide (January 10, 2015): 5–9.

“Escape from Iraq, Part 3.” Guide (January 17, 2015): 9–11, 30.

“Escape from Iraq, Part 4.” Guide (January 24, 2015): 17–30.

“Escape from Iraq, Part 5.” Guide (January 31, 2015): 13–17.

“The Four Types of Church Conflict, Part 1.”  Elder’s Digest (January/March 2015): 30.

“How to Handle Church Conflict, Part 2.” Elder’s Digest (April/June 2015): 29.

“It’s Family Worship Time!” Adventist Review (April 2015): 44–46.

“Life-Changing Stories: The Ministry of Prayer, Part 1.” Elder’s Digest (July–September 2015): 31.

“Life-Changing Stories: The Ministry of Presence, Part 2.” Elder’s Digest (October–December 2015): 31.

“Missão de Curta Duraçáo Como um Novo Paradigma.” Portuguese Ministry 4, no. 2, (2015): 7–11.
Moving Your Church: Become A Spirit-Led Community. Boise, ID: Pacific Press, 2016.

“Planning a Sermonic Year.” Ministry (March 2015): 20–22.

“Touching Lives Like Jesus: Following the Example of the Master.” Adventist Review (November 2015): 47–50.

“The Value of a Church Brochure.” Ministry (June 2015): 30.

McLean, Errol, DMin
Associate Professor of Christian Ministry

             “Called to Power?” Current 3 (Summer 2015): 15–18.

Patterson, Stanley E., PhD
Professor of Christian Ministry

“The Place of Authority in the Organizational Structure of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.” Seminar presented at the Called: North American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June 29, 2015.

“Spiritual Calling: Vocation and Avocation.” Current 3 (Summer 2015): 37–43.

Penno, David, PhD
Associate Professor of Christian Ministry

“A Christian Perspective on Watching Secular TV Programming.” Co-authored with Joseph Kidder. Pages 60–66 in Reach the World: Healthy Families for Eternity. Edited by Willie Oliver and Elaine Oliver. Silver Spring, MD: Department of Family Ministries, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 2015.

“Church Administration.” Professional presentation at the Lake Region Conference's Elders' Workshop Equipping to Serve. SDA Theological Seminary, Berrien Springs, MI, October 15, 2015.

“Desenvolvimento de liderança sustentável” [Development of sustainable leadership]. Foco na Pessoa 4, no. 1 (2015): 6–8.

“Discipling Congregational Leaders.” Seminar presented at the Called: North American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June 30, 2015.

“Empowering Young People for Active Ministry.”  Professional presentation at the New Jersey Conference’s 2015 Adventist Leadership Summit. Piscataway, NJ, September 15, 2015.

“Gestion de Conflictos (Conflict management).” Professional presentation at the Fomento Church. Santiago, de Cuba, Cuba, March 15, 2015.

“How to Interpret Scripture”; “Spiritual Leadership”; “Empowering and Developing the Leader Within”; “Empowering and Developing Others as Leaders”; “Conflict Management”; and “Dealing with Fringe Movements.” Professional presentations at the Three Missions Ministers’ meetings for pastors from Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. Cardiff, Wales, May 11–13, 2015.

Review of Louis J. Cameli, Catholic Teaching on Homosexuality: New Paths to Understanding. Andrews University Seminary Studies 53, no 1 (Spring 2015): 218–222.                                                                                     

“Zoom for Doctoral Students.” Professional presentation at the Andrews University Faculty Institute. Berrien Springs, MI, August 15, 2015.

Swanson, Peter, PhD
Associate Professor of Pastoral Care

“Paradoxical Grace.” Current 3 (Summer 2015): 25–26.

Williams, David, PhD Candidate

“Built Upon the Rock: Designing Services for Worship Renewal.” Seminar presented at the Called: North American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June 29, 2015.

“An Historical Theology of Ellen G. White’s Experience of and teaching on Music During the Writing of the Desire of Ages while in Australia from 1892–1898.” Pages 99–133 in Ellen White Issues Symposium. Vol. 10. Edited by Merlin D. Burt. Berrien Springs, MI: Center for Adventist Research, Andrews, 2015.

Williams, Hyveth, DMin
Professor of Christian Ministry

“Prophetic Preaching.” Current 3 (Summer 2015): 10–13.

“Prophetic Preaching and Worship.” Seminar presented at the Called: North American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June 30, 2015.

“Response to David Williams’ Paper ‘An Historical Theology of Ellen G. White’s Experience of and teaching on Music During the Writing of the Desire of Ages while in Australia from 1892–1898.’” Pages 134–140 in Ellen White Issues Symposium. Vol. 10. Edited by Merlin D. Burt. Berrien Springs, MI: Center for Adventist Research, Andrews, 2015.

“A Way Forward.” Panelist with Wagner Kuhn, Bruce Moyer, and Tom Shepherd at the Spiritual Warfare and the Occult in Scripture, History, and Contemporary Society Conference. Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI, September 26, 2015.