Theology and Christian Philosophy Publications

Davidson, Jo Ann, PhD
Professor of Theology

“An Ancient Honor Roll.” Dialogue 3, no. 26 (2015): 5–8.

“Behold, I Come Quickly … But We Are Still Here.” Pages 275–284 in The Great Controversy and the End of Evil: Biblical and Theological Studies in Honor of Ángel Manuel Rodríguez in Celebration of His Seventieth Birthday. Edited by Gerhard Pfandl. Silver Spring, MD: Biblical Research Institute; Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2015.

“Creation Care and the Sabbath” and “God: Lover of Beauty.” Professional presentations at the Called: North American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, July 29–30.

“The Church, Stewardship and Ecology.” Dynamic Stewardship 19, no. 3 (2015): 24.

“Delay and Promise.” Perspective Digest 20, no. 4 (2015). No pages. Cited 14 December 2015. Online:

Proverbs Study Helps for Lessons 10–13. Pages 120–124, 132–136, 144–148, 156–160 in the Adult Teachers Sabbath School Bible Study Guide, Jan, Feb, Mar 2015, Proverbs. Edited by Clifford R. Goldstein, Silver Spring, MD: Office of the Adult Bible Study Guide, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 2015.

“Stewardship.” General Conference of SDA DVD. Filmed on September 28, 2015.

“Women in Scripture: A Survey and Evaluation.” Pages 121–142 in Women and Ordination: Biblical and Historical Studies. Edited by John W. Reeve. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2015.

“The Word Speaks for Itself: How to Preach so Your Members Will Want to Study the Bible.” Seminar presented at the Called: North American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June 30, 2015.

Fortin, Denis, Ph.D.
Professor of Theology

“Current Issues in the Ecumenical Movement.” Seminar presented at the Called: North American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June 30, 2015.

“Ellen White and the Development of Seventh-day Adventist Doctrines.” Pages 107–117 in Understanding Ellen White: The Life and Work of the Most Influential Voice in Adventist History. Edited by Merlin D. Burt. Silver Spring, MD: Ellen G. White Estate, 2015.

“Ellen White, Women in Ministry, and the Ordination of Women.”  Pages 85–111 in Women and Ordination: Biblical and Historical Studies. Edited by John Reeve. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2015.

“Historical and Theological Perspectives on the Rise of Arminianism and the Place of Seventh-day Adventism in the Calvinist-Arminian Debate.” Andrews University Seminary Students Journal 1, no. 1 (2015).  Cited on 14 October 2015. Online:

“Paul’s Observance of the Sabbath in Acts of the Apostles as a Marker of Continuity between Judaism and Early Christianity.” Andrews University Seminary Studies 53, no. 2 (2015): 321–335.

“The Reformers and the Gift of Prophecy.” Pages 221–231 in The Gift of Prophecy in Scripture and History. Edited by Alberto R. Timm and Dwain N. Esmond. Silver Spring, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2015.

Review of Gerald Bray, God Has Spoken: A History of Christian Theology. Journal of Asia Adventist Seminary 16, no. 2 (2015): 205–208.
Review of Terrie Dopp Aamodt, Gary Land, and Ronald L. Numbers, eds., Ellen Harmon White: American Prophet. Theologika 30, no. 1 (2015): 140–150.

Martin Hanna, PhD
Associate Professor of Historical Theology

"Foreknowledge and Salvation: A Study of the Certainty and Contingency of Free Choices." Poster presented at the Seminary Scholarship Symposium. Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI, February 5–6, 2015.

“God's Manifold Wisdom in the Church, Parts 1–4: Incarnation Wisdom: Riches of Christ (Eph 3:8)”; “Inspiration Wisdom: Word of Truth (Eph 1:13)”;

“Illumination Wisdom: Spirit of Truth (Eph 1:17–18); Glorification Wisdom: Riches of Glory (Eph 1:18).” Papers presented at Bible Conference, South East Mexican Union. Merida, Yucatán, México, September 3–5, 2015.

“The Trial and Triumph of Truth: Tracking the Legacy of Jan Hus.” Paper presented at the Jan Hus Symposium: Considering His Martyrdom after 600 Years. Berrien Springs, MI, October 9, 2015.

“Men and Women in Church Order.” Pages 297–308 in Women and Ordination: Biblical and Historical Studies. Edited by John W. Reeve. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2015.

Questions and Answers About Women's Ordination. Co-authored with Cindy Tutsch. Napa, ID: Pacific Press, 2015.
Review of Gregory A. Boyd, Benefit of the Doubt: Breaking the Idol of Certainty. Andrews University Seminary Studies 53, no. 2 (2015): 390–392.

“The Spiritual Gift of Scholarship.” Current 3 (Summer 2015): 46–47.

Jankiewicz, Darius W., PhD
Professor of Theology

“Authority of the Christian Leader.” Pages 155–179 in South Pacific Perspectives on Ordination: Biblical Theological and Historical Studies in an Adventist Context. Edited by Graeme J. Humble and Robert K. McIver. Cooranbong, Australia: Avondale Academic Press, 2015.

“Authority of the Christian Leader.” Pages 65–83 in Women and Ordination: Biblical and Historical Studies. Edited by John W. Reeve. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2015.

“Autoridad del líder Cristiano.” Pages 47–74 in Apartadas para el Ministerio: Una perspectiva adventista sobre la ordenación.  Edited by Oscar S. Mendoza and Daniel A. Mora.  Lima, Perú: Fortaleza Edicionez, 2015.

“Autorytet chrzescijanskiego przywodcy.” Sigma Temporis 21 (2015): 51–76.

“A Brief History of Christian Ordination.” Paper presented at the Women’s Ordination: The Road to San Antonio, Loma Linda University Church Lectureship. Loma Linda, CA, January 23, 2015.

“Febe ¿Fue ella una líder en la iglesia primitive?” Pages 171–180 in Apartadas para el Ministerio: Una perspectiva adventista sobre la ordenación.  Edited by Oscar S. Mendoza and Daniel A. Mora. Lima, Perú: Fortaleza Edicionez, 2015.

“Investigative Judgment and the Synergistic/Monergistic Controversy.” Three professional presentations at the Recapturing the Big Picture Bible Conference, Avondale College. Cooranbong, Australia, February 1–4, 2015.

“Investigative Judgment and the Synergistic/Monergistic Controversy.” Three professional presentations at the Recapturing the Big Picture Bible Conference, Fulton College. Tailevu, Fiji, February 5–8, 2015.

“Investigative Judgment and the Synergistic/Monergistic Controversy.” Three professional presentations at the Recapturing the Big Picture Bible Conference, Pacific Adventist University. Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, February 10–13, 2015.

“Jesus’ Blueprint for the Church: What ‘Servant Leadership’ Is Not.” Paper presented at the “The Gathering” Conference. Chicago, IL, November 14, 2015.

“Ordynacja-lekcje z historii wczesnego chrześcijaństwa.” Sigma Temporis 21 (2015): 19–50.

“Phoebe: An Early Church Leader.” Pages 231–236 in Women and Ordination: Biblical and Historical Studies. Edited by John W. Reeve. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2015.

“The Problem of Ordination: Lessons from Early Christian History.” Pages 101–129 in South Pacific Perspectives on Ordination: Biblical Theological and Historical Studies in an Adventist Context. Edited by Graeme J. Humble and Robert K. McIver. Cooranbong, Australia: Avondale Academic Press, 2015.

“The Shades of Authority in the Church.” Seminar presented at the Called: North American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June 29, 2015.

Jerončić, Ante, PhD
Associate Professor of Ethics and Theology

"Beyond Kitsch: Human Flourishing and the Tragic Vision." Paper presented at the Adriatic Union College International Theology Conference.  Marusevec, Croatia, June 21, 2015.

"Loving the Good: Iris Murdoch’s Ethical Realism." Biblijski Pogledi 21 (2015): 101–114.

“The Quest for ‘La Sapienza’: Roy Bhaskar’s Critical Realism and the Science and Religion Dialogue.” Andrews University Seminary Studies 53, no. 2 (2015): 355–368.

Peckham, John C., PhD
Associate Professor of Theology and Christian Philosophy

"The Biblical Canon." Episode 3: Faithful to the Scriptures Series, 30 minutes. Adventist Theological Academy, Adventist Theological Society, 2015. Cited 14 October 2015. Online:

"Canonical Theological Method." Paper presented to the Andrews University PhD Religion Students at the Transdisciplinarity Consultation. Berrien Springs, MI, March 4, 2015.

“Divine Love Revisited.” Seminar presented at the Called: NAD Pastors Convention. Austin, TX, June 30, 2015.

“Interview with John C. Peckham: Author of The Love of God: A Canonical Model,” Moral Apologetics (10/28/2015):
The Love of God: A Canonical Model. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2015.

Radio Interview regarding book The Love of God: A Canonical Model, aired Thanksgiving week, November 2015 on Anglican Radio.

“Sola Scriptura." Paper presented at the Fall ASSRG BRI Subcommittee. Berrien Springs, MI, October 16, 2015.

"The Sola Scriptura Principle." Co-presented with Richard M. Davidson. Episode 1: Faithful to the Scriptures Series, 30 minutes. Adventist Theological Academy, Adventist Theological Society, 2015. Cited 14 October 2015. Online:

“Theopathic or Anthropopathic? A Suggested Approach to Imagery of Divine Emotion in the Hebrew Bible.” Perspectives in Religious Studies 42, no. 4 (2015): 87–101.

"We Must Obey God Rather than Men: Jan Hus on the Authority of Scripture in Relation to Church and Conscience." Paper presented at the Jan Hus Symposium: Considering His Martyrdom after 600 Years. Berrien Springs, MI, October 9, 2015.