Davidson, Richard M., PhD
J. N. Andrews Professor of Old Testament Interpretation
“Biblical Hermeneutics.” Co-presented with Jiří Moskala. Episode 4: Faithful to the Scriptures Series, 30 minutes, Adventist Theological Academy, Adventist Theological Society, 2015. Cited 14 October 2015. Online: http://atsacademy.org/videos/bible-and-theology-2/hermeneutics/.
“Condemnation and Grace: Polygamy and Concubinage in the Old Testament.” Christian Research Journal 38, no. 5 (2015): 32–37.
“The Creation Theme in Psalm 104.” Pages 85–105 in He Spoke and It Was: Divine Creation in the Old Testament. Edited by Gerald A. Klingbeil. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2015.
“The Creation Theme in Psalm 104.” Pages 149–188 in The Genesis Creation Account and Its Reverberations in the Old Testament. Edited by Gerald A. Klingbeil. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 2015.
“Did God Commit Genocide Against the Canaanites?” Seminar presented at the Called: North American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June 29, 2015.
“Divorce and Remarriage in the Old Testament.” Pages 179–202 in Marriage: Biblical and Theological Aspects. Edited by Ekkehardt Mueller and Elias Brasil de Sousa. Silver Spring, MD; Biblical Research Institute and Review and Herald; Nampa ID: Pacific Press, 2015.
“Earth’s First Sanctuary: Genesis 1–3 and Parallel Creation Accounts.” Andrews University Seminary Studies 53, no. 1 (2015): 65–89.
“Ellen White’s Insights into Scripture in Light of the Original Biblical Languages.” Pages 152–166 in The Gift of Prophecy in Scripture and History. Edited by Alberto Timm and Dwain N. Esmond. Silver Spring, MD: Ellen White Estate, Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2015.
“Ellen White’s Insights into Scripture in Light of the Original Biblical Languages.” Paper presented at the Gift of Prophecy in Scripture and History Symposium, Andrews University. Berrien Springs, MI, October 18, 2015.
“Éxtasis en el Edén: Los designios de Dios para la sexualidad humana” (Ecstasy in Eden: The Divine design for human sexuality). AULA7 28 (December 2015): 7–11.
“Éxtasis en el Edén: Los designios de Dios para la sexualidad humana.” (Ecstasy in Eden: The Divine design for human sexuality.) Paper presented at the 41st Annual AEGUAE Convention. Bennicassim, Spain, December 5, 2015.
“Ezekiel 28:11–19 and the Rise of the Cosmic Conflict.” Pages 57–69 in The Great Controversy and the End of Evil: Biblical and Theological Studies in Honor of Ángel Manuel Rodríguez in Celebration of His Seventieth Birthday. Edited by Gerhard Pfandl. Silver Spring, MD: Review and Herald, Biblical Research Institute; Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2015.
“The Genesis Account of Origins.” Pages 59–129 in The Genesis Creation Account and Its Reverberations in the Old Testament. Edited by Gerald A. Klingbeil. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 2015.
“The Genesis Account of Origins.” Pages 39–71 in He Spoke and It Was: Divine Creation in the Old Testament. Edited by Gerald A. Klingbeil. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2015.
“La homosexualidad y la biblia qué está en juego en el debate actual?” (Homosexuality and the bible: what is at stake in the current discussion?) Paper presented at the 41st Annual AEGUAE Convention. Bennicassim, Spain, December 5, 2015.
“Linear, Narrative-Plot Development in the Song of Songs.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society/Adventist Theological Society. Atlanta, GA, November 18, 2015.
“The Living Death: Typology of Leprosy and Its Cleansing.” Pages 45–58 in
“The End from the Beginning:” Festschrift Honoring Merling Alomía. Edited by Benjamin Rojas et al. Lima, Peru: Peruvian Union University, 2015.
“Lo que dice la iblia acerca de la homosexualidad” (What the bible says about homosexuality). AULA7 28 (December 2015): 12–19.
“Lo que dice la biblia acerca de la homosexualidad.” (What the bible says about homosexuality.) Paper presented at the 41st Annual AEGUAE Convention. Bennicassim, Spain, December 5, 2015.
“The Myth of the Solid Heavenly Dome.” Co-authored with Randall W. Younker. Pages 25–38 in He Spoke and It Was: Divine Creation in the Old Testament. Edited by Gerald A. Klingbeil. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2015.
“The Myth of the Solid Heavenly Dome: Another Look at the Hebrewרָקִיעַ (rāqîaʿ).” Co-authored with Randall W. Younker. Pages 31–56 in The Genesis Creation Account and Its Reverberations in the Old Testament. Edited by Gerald A. Klingbeil. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 2015.
“The Nature of the Human Being from the Beginning: Genesis 1–11.” Pages 11–42 in What Are Human Beings that You Remember Them? Proceedings of the Third International Bible Conference, Nof Ginosar and Jerusalem, June 11–21, 2012. Edited by Clinton Wahlen. Silver Spring, MD: Biblical Research Institute, 2015.
“Pentateuch Part 2 (Exodus–Deuteronomy).” Episode 6: Faithful to the Scriptures Series, 30 minutes, Adventist Theological Academy, Adventist Theological Society, 2015. Cited 14 October 2015. Online: http://atsacademy.org/videos/old -testament/pentateuch.
“Response to Ron du Preez’ Paper ‘Hebrew Literary Structures in Ellen White’s Writings.’” Pages 92–98 in Ellen White Issues Symposium. Vol. 10. Edited by Merlin D. Burt. Berrien Springs, MI: Center for Adventist Research, Andrews, 2015.
“Schools of the Prophets Paradigm for Pastoral Education.” Current 3 (Summer 2015): 19–22.
“Should Women Be Ordained as Pastors? Old Testament Considerations.” Pages 143–196 in Women and Ordination: Biblical and Historical Studies. Edited by John W. Reeve. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2015.
"The Sola Scriptura Principle." Co-presented with John C. Peckham. Episode 1: Faithful to the Scriptures Series, 30 minutes. Adventist Theological Academy, Adventist Theological Society, 2015. Cited 14 October 2015. Online: http://atsacademy.org/videos/bible-and-theology-2/hermeneutics/.
“A Song for the Sanctuary: The Beauty, Truthfulness, and Good News of the Sanctuary Message.” Seminar presented at the Called: North American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June 30, 2015.
“Teachers’ Edition Study Helps: Lesson 4.” Pages 48–52 in Proverbs: Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide for January–March 2015. Silver Spring, MD: General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 2015.
“What Does the Bible Say About Origins?” Perspective Digest 20, no. 2 (2015). No Pages. Cited 20 May 2015. Online: http://www.perspectivedigest.org/article/152/archives/20-1/what-does-the-bible-say-about-origins.
Doukhan, Jacques B., Dr.Heb.Lett., ThD
Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament Exegesis
Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide, Jan, Feb, Mar 2015, Proverbs. Edited by Clifford R. Goldstein, Silver Spring, MD: Office of the Adult Bible Study Guide, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 2015.
“Creation.” Pages 49–66 in The Future of Adventism: Theology, Society, Experience. Edited by Gary Chartier. Ann Arbor, MI: Griffin & Lash, Publishers, 2015.
“When Death Was Not Yet.” Pages 179–186 in He Spoke and It Was: Divine Creation in the Old Testament, ed. Gerald A. Klingbeil (Pacific Press, 2015).
Gane, Constance E. C., PhD
Associate Professor of Archaeology and Old Testament
“Nineveh’s Halzi Gate and the Fall of an Empire.” Paper presented at the Lynn H. Wood Archaeological Museum Lecture Series, Southern Adventist University. Collegedale, TN, March 30, 2015.
“A Window into the Worship of Demons in the Old Testament.” Paper presented at the Spiritual Warfare and the Occult in Scripture, History, and Contemporary Society Conference. Berrien Springs, MI, September 24, 2015.
Gane, Roy E., PhD
Professor of Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near Eastern Languages
“The Amazing Potential of the Priesthood of All Believers.” Seminar presented at the Called: North American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June 29, 2015.
Current Issues in Priestly and Related Literature: The Legacy of Jacob Milgrom and Beyond. Edited by Roy E. Gane (lead editor) and Ada Taggar-Cohen. Resources for Biblical Study. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2015.
“Didactic Logic and the Authorship of Leviticus.” Pages 197–221 in Current Issues in Priestly and Related Literature: The Legacy of Jacob Milgrom and Beyond. Edited by Roy E. Gane and Ada Taggar-Cohen, et al. Resources for Biblical Study. Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2015.
“Introduction.” Co-authored with Ada Taggar-Cohen. Pages xiii–xvi in Current Issues in Priestly and Related Literature: The Legacy of Jacob Milgrom and Beyond. Edited by Roy E. Gane and Ada Taggar-Cohen, et al. Resources for Biblical Study. Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2015.
“The Lesson in Brief, Lessons 3, 5, 6” and “The Learning Cycle, Lessons 3, 5, 6.” Pages 36–40, 60–64, 72–76 in the Adult Teachers Sabbath School Bible Study Guide, Jan, Feb, Mar 2015, Proverbs. Edited by Clifford R. Goldstein, Silver Spring, MD: Office of the Adult Bible Study Guide, General
“Marriage and the Family.” Panel Discussion participant at the Adventist Theological Society Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA, November 22, 2015.
“The Nature of the Human Being in Leviticus.” Pages 43–57 in What Are Human Beings that You Remember Them? Proceedings of the Third International Bible Conference, Nof Ginosar and Jerusalem, June 11–21, 2012. Edited by Clinton Wahlen. Silver Spring, MD: Biblical Research Institute, 2015.
“Old Testament Principles Relevant to Consensual Homoerotic Activity.” Paper presented at the Adventist Theological Society/Evangelical Theological Society National Meeting. Atlanta, GA, November 18, 2015.
“Old Testament Principles Relevant to Mutually Consensual Homoerotic Activity—Part 1.” Ministry: International Journal for Pastors 87, no. 9 (September 2015): 14–15.
“Old Testament Principles Relevant to Consensual Homoerotic Activity—Part 2.” Ministry: International Journal for Pastors 87, no. 11 (November, 2015): 19–22.
“Productive and Protected Ministry: Numbers 17:23 [English 17:8].” Paged 30–32 in Devotions on the Hebrew Bible: 54 Reflections to Inspire and Instruct. Edited by Milton Eng and Lee M. Fields. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2015.
“Streaming to the Lord.” Ministry: International Journal for Pastors 87, no. 2 (February 2015): 13–15.
Glanz, Oliver, PhD
Assistant Professor of Old Testament
“Atheismus als Grundlage der Propheten.” FORUM lecture. Weggis, Switzerland, October 18, 2015.
“The Bible Online Learner as an Effective and Open Source Biblical Language Learning Environment for Seminaries and Faculties of Theology.” Paper presented at the Applied Linguistics for Biblical Languages session of the annual meeting of SBL. Atlanta, GA, November 22 2015.
“Bible Software on the Workbench of the Biblical Scholar.” Paper presented at the 11th Annual Seminary Scholarship Symposium. Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI, February 6, 2015.
“Biographische Notizen: Wofür noch kämpfen? – Warum ich die Gemeinde verlassen habe.” FORUM lecture. Weggis, Switzerland, October 16, 2015.
“Critical Remarks on Canale’s Use of Phenomenology: Analyzing Its Problems and Perspectives.” Paper presented to the Biannual Adventist Sola Scriptura Conference. Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI, April 2015.
“Denken und Glauben.” FORUM lecture. Weggis, Switzerland, October 17, 2015.
“Der Prediger: Dichten gegen die Illusion etwas Besonderes zu sein.” Paper presented at 15. FACIT Studientag. Stuttgart, Germany, October 24, 2015.
“Der Sabbat: Gegen den Fortschrittswahn.” Paper presented at 15. FACIT Studientag. Stuttgart, Germany, October 24 2015.
ETCBC-vm v1.5. Lubuntu 14.04 32bit. Berrien Springs, 2015. Cited 11 December 2015. Online: http://laf-fabric.readthedocs.org/en/latest/texts/getting-started.html.
“Fighting the Gods with Rebellious Prophets: Applying Postmodern Mission in Amsterdam.” Seminar presented at the Called: North American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June 30, 2015.
“The Formal Characteristics of Jussiv, Adhortative, and Cohortative as Features in BibleOL.” BibleOL, 2015. Cited 11 December 2015. Online: http://bibleol.3bmoodle.dk/.
“Jenseits von Subjektivismus und Objektivismus.” FORUM lecture. Weggis, Switzerland, Oct 17, 2015.
“Notwendige kulturelle Partner: Relativität und Normativität.” FORUM lecture. Weggis, Switzerland, October 18, 2015.
“The Prophetic Calling of Jeremiah.” Spectrum (2015). No pages. Cited 11 December 2015. Online: http://spectrummagazine.org/article/2015/09/30/prophetic-calling-jeremiah.
Review of Donald A. Vance, George Athas, and Yael Avrahami, Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia: A Reader’s Edition. Andrews University Seminary Studies 53, no.1 (2015):240–244.
Review of Seizo Sekine, Philosophical Interpretations of the Old Testament. Biblical Research 25, no. 2 (2015): 227–230.
“Sabbat: Kein Leben ohne Land.” Paper presented at 15. FACIT Studientag. Stuttgart, Germany, October 24, 2015.
“SHEBANQ in the Exegesis Classroom: Teaching Exegetical Research with the Receiver of the Digital Humanities Awards 2014.” Paper presented at the Academic Teaching and Biblical Studies session of the annual meeting of SBL. Atlanta, GA, November 21 2015.
“Unser Weg in die sinnentleerende Zwickmühle: Zwischen Monster und Maschine.” FORUM lecture. Weggis, Switzerland, October 17, 2015.
“Updating the GBS Hebrew-English Dictionary with Lemma Corrections and Gloss Priority according to Its Stem Distribution in the Hebrew Bible.” BibleOL, 2015. Cited 11 December 2015. Online: http://bibleol.3bmoodle.dk/.
“Valence Patterns in Biblical Hebrew: Classical Philology and Linguistic Patterns.” Co-authored with Reinoud Oosting and Janet W. Dyk. Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 2, no. 42 (2015): 31–55.
Gregor, Paul Z., PhD
Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Archaeology
“Creation Revisited: Echoes of Genesis 1 and 2 in Pentateuch.” Pages 131–148 in The Genesis Creation Account, and Its Reverberations in the Old Testament. Edited by Gerald A. Klingbeil. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 2015.
“Creation Echoes of Genesis 1 and 2 in the Pentateuch.” Pages 73–84 in He Spoke and It Was: Divine Creation in the Old Testament. Edited by Gerald A. Klingbeil. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press. 2015.
“Eternal but Forgotten Mission.” Biblijski Pogledi 21 (2013): 131–140. (Released in 2015.)
Moskala, Jiří, ThD, PhD
Professor of Old Testament Exegesis and Theology
“Biblical Hermeneutics.” Co-presented with Richard M. Davidson. Episode 4: Faithful to the Scriptures Series, 30 minutes, Adventist Theological Academy, Adventist Theological Society, 2015. Cited 14 October 2015. Online: http://atsacademy.org/videos/bible-and-theology-2/hermeneutics/.
“Biblical Hermeneutics: The Joy of Discovering the Meaning of the Text.” Seminar presented at the Called: North American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June 29, 2015.
“Christ’s Intercessory Ministry for Us Today: Why Do We Need It?” Paper presented at the Centenary Celebrations of Spicer Memorial College (1915–2015). Pune, India, February 28, 2015.
“The Current Theological Debate Regarding Eternal Punishment in Hell and the Immortality of the Soul.” Andrews University Seminary Studies 53, no. 1 (Spring 2015): 91–125.
“Current Theological and Intellectual Trends.” Pages 183–199 in Called: Core Qualities for Ministry. Edited by Nikolaus Satelmajer and Ivan L. Williams, Sr. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2015.
“Difficult Expressions and Texts Regarding the Divinity of Christ.” Paper presented at the Southern Asia Division Bible Conference. Hapur, India, March 29, 2015.
“Eternal Punishment in Hell and the Immortality of the Soul: Overview of the Current Debate.” Pages 293–305 in “What are Human Beings that You Remember Them?” Proceedings of the Third International Bible Conference, Nof Ginosar and Jerusalem, June 11–21, 2012. Edited by Clinton Wahlen. Silver Spring, MD: Biblical Research Institute, 2015.
“The Holy Spirit in the Hebrew Scriptures.” Perspective Digest 20, no. 1 (2015). No pages. Cited 14 December 2015. Online: http://www.perspectivedigest.org/article/154/archives/20-1/the-holy-spirit-in-the-hebrew-scriptures.
“Introduction.” Pages ix–xi in Women and Ordination: Biblical and Historical Studies. Edited by John W. Reeve. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2015.
“Jan Hus and the Hussites’ Quest for Truth.” Paper presented at the Jan Hus Symposium: Considering His Martyrdom after 600 Years. Berrien Springs, MI, October 8, 2015.
“The Lesson in Brief, Lesson 1" and “The Learning Cycle, Lesson 1.” Pages 12–16 in the Adult Teachers Sabbath School Bible Study Guide, Jan, Feb, Mar 2015, Proverbs. Edited by Clifford R. Goldstein, Silver Spring, MD: Office of the Adult Bible Study Guide, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 2015.
“Magic and Occultism in the Old Testament: Presuppositions, Responses, and God’s Attitude.” Paper presented at the Spiritual Warfare and the Occult in Scripture, History, and Contemporary Society Conference. Berrien Springs, MI, September 24, 2015.
“Mapping Neo-Atheist and Other Recent Attacks on the Character of God: A Case of Theodicy.” Journal of Adventist Mission Studies 11, no. 1 (Spring 2015): 93–112.
“The Meaning of the Intercessory Ministry of Jesus for Us in the Heavenly Sanctuary.” Paper presented at the Southern Asia Division Bible Conference. Hapur, India, March 28, 2015.
“Practice of Magic and Occultism in the Old Testament: Presuppositions, Responses, and God’s Attitude.” Journal of Adventist Mission Studies 11, no. 2 (Fall 2015): 1–16.
“The Prophetic Voice in the Old Testament: An Overview.” Paper presented at the Gift of Prophecy 2015 Symposium. Berrien Springs, MI, October 15, 2015.
“The Prophetic Voice in the Old Testament: An Overview.” Pages 11–42 in The Gift of Prophecy in Scripture and History. Edited by Alberto R. Timm and Dwain N. Esmond. Silver Spring, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2015.
“Proverbs 8 and the Theory of Kenosis in view of Christ’s Divinity.” Paper presented at the Southern Asia Division Bible Conference. Hapur, India, March 29, 2015.
“Recent Attacks on the Character of God.” Perspective Digest 20, no. 4 (2015). No pages. Cited 14 December 2015. Online: http://www.perspectivedigest.org/article/182/archives/20-4/recent-attacks-on-the-character-of-god.
“The Surprising God of Jonah: His Compassion and Our Genuine Obedience.” Current 3 (Summer 2015): 44–45.
“Toward Consistent Adventist Hermeneutics: From Creation through De-Creation to Re-Creation.” Pages 1–38 in Women and Ordination: Biblical and Historical Studies. Edited by John W. Reeve. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2015.
“The Value of Adventist Scholarship: Striving for Excellence and Advancing in Truth.” Current 3 (Summer 2015): 1–3.
Ray, Paul J., PhD
Associate Professor of Archaeology
“The House: Basic Material Unit of the Ancient Family.” Paper presented at the Near East Archaeological Society Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA, November 18, 2015.
Review of Eric M. Meyers and Mark A. Chancey, Alexander to Constantine: Archaeology in the Land of the Bible, Volume 3. Near East Archaeological Society Bulletin 60 (2015): 46–49.
Younker, Randall W., PhD
Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Archaeology
“Paul and the Emergence of Christianity in Sicily.” Paper presented at the Horn Lectureship Series. Berrien Springs, MI, October 26, 2015.
“The Myth of the Solid Heavenly Dome: Another Look at the Hebrewרָקִיעַ (rāqîaʿ).” Co-authored with Richard M. Davidson. Pages 31–56 in The Genesis Creation Account and Its Reverberations in the Old Testament. Edited by Gerald A. Klingbeil. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 2015.
“Towards a New History of the Site.” Paper presented at the “Risultati Preliminari Della Campagna Di Scavo 2015 Effettuata Presso Il Villaggio Tardo Romano E La Basilica Paleocristiana Di San Miceli. Salemi, Sicily, Italy, July 3, 2015.