Dedicated to the memory Anna Harley,
who gave me a button box full of possibilities
and a love of culture.

Thanks be to God for His matchless gifts of grace, mercy and salvation, and to His Son, Jesus Christ, to whom belongs all wisdom, honor, praise and glory.

Thank you…

Elizabeth, for your care and devotion. Thank you for listening, for discussing, for laughing, for crying, and most of all, for loving.

Mia, Anna, Eva, and Alexia, for your love and encouragement. I am so very proud of you.

Anna, for reading my drafts and for telling me the truth about them.

Jeremy, for listening to me ramble on about the ideas in this work.

Anne Nelson and Lester Nelson, for putting up with me all these many years and for pouring your love into me.

Dr. Mary Gresham, for being the best [academic] mentor ever.

Heather Gresham, for every postcard and every Sunday.

Dr. Janine Lim, for your guidance and for taking a chance on this unique project.

Dr. Bordes Henry-Saturné, Dr. Michelle Loyd-Paige, and Dr. Scott Moncrieff. Your wisdom has been invaluable to me.

Dr. Jerome Crichton, for thoughtful questions and musical inspiration.

Amy Spears and Dr. Luana Greulich for patience and support of my work.

Dr. Alayne Thorpe, for parting the institutional waters.